Tag UCMJ | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about UCMJ

I (NCO) Escorted a Soldier who was Restricted to Post-to an Off Post Location; Can I Lose my Rank Over this?

I'm an NCO who took a soldier off post after being told by another NCO he was on restriction but could only go somewhere if an NCO took him. That soldier ended up getting in serious trouble , am I to blame and could I lose my rank as punishment?.. Read the Answer»

Is my Article 15 Punishment Excessive?

Recently I received an Article 15 for being late. My punishment was, reduction, 1/2 pay for 2 months, restricted to base 30 days, extra duty 30 days. Does this seem excessive to you?.. Read the Answer»

Can I Give a Soldier a Counseling Statement and Order Them to Remove an Unprofessional Post on Facebook or other Social Media site?

Can I Give a Soldier a Counseling Statement and Order Them to Remove an Unprofessional Post on Facebook or other Social Media site?.. Read the Answer»

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

If I Initially Appealed my Article 15, Can I Withdraw my Appeal?

If I Initially Appealed my Article 15, Can I Withdraw my Appeal?.. Read the Answer»

Can my Punishment be Increased if I Appeal an Article 15?

Can my punishment be increased if I appeal an Article 15?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier Have Multiple Article 15 Actions Pending at the Same Time?

Can a Soldier Have Multiple Article 15 Actions Pending at the Same Time?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Can I get an Article 15 because I Forget to Check in with my Unit Due to a Family Emergency?

Can I receive UCMJ for forgetting to check in with my unit because there was an emergency appoint with a family member?.. Read the Answer»

What is the time limit to execute an Article 15?

Is there an army regulation that covers suspense times to issue NJP (Article 15s etc.)? The date of the incident was 20 June 2011, I was flagged 28 July 2011, and it is now 23 August 2011. It was for an article 92 violation. Thanks TOP! .. Read the Answer»

My NCO is Lying and my Chain of Command is Pushing an Article 15- What Can I Do?

Question: Top, I really need some wisdom here. I will take responsibility for my actions but I cannot be blamed for something I did not do. My chain of command is trying to frag me with a company grade AR15 for (Lying to an NCO). The platoon Sgt admitted offline that he was guilty of miscommunication, but in front of top he wont admit it and plays a different type of role. He back-dated 3 counselings roughly 2 months but he did write the current date on the date block, is ther any hope for me top i am a fast tracker in m MOS and i am one the way to a successful path in the army i need help this can really screw me and i am honeslty in the right and do not deserve this please assist Thanks .. Read the Answer»

Can I rewrite a counseling statement and have a Soldier sign it again and use it to push UCMJ action?

I submitted a for UCMJ action for repeated FTR's. the packet was rejected by Brigade Legal because I didn't have the location of the formation annotated. I had the who, what, when, and why. My PSG told me to rewrite the counselings and have the SM sign. Can I rewrite closed counselings and have SM resign for this or what would be the correct course of action?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be prevented from leaving the post? Isn’t this the same as restriction?

I am pending adverse action (currently stationed in Korea). i was arrested for breaking curfew.Long story short I am now restricted from leaving post, I have been pending extra duty etc for over a month and I seem to be getting all the company dirt bag details. It feels like I am serving my extra duty before I get an Article 15. Are they allowed to do this? Also, can my restriction from post run concurrent with my extra duty ?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier go on leave when on extra duty?

Have a Soldier who received a field grade article 15 and was allowed to go on leave. Here is the problem: the Battalion Commander does not know the Soldier had an approved leave (by the company commander). The Battalion Commander imposed punishment to start immediately. The Soldier has already purchased a plane ticket. The Company CDR/1SG told the Soldier he could take leave. What will happen to this Soldier? Will his extra duty start after he returns from leave or will it be overlooked like no days were missed? Is it the Soldier's responsibility to inform the battalion commander of his leave situation. Should I bring this to someone's attention or should I do the wrong thing and let it go and see what happens?.. Read the Answer»