Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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What are the New GTAs for Suicide Prevention?

Can you tell me the GTA number that replaced GTA 12-01-001 Army Suicide Prevention Program 15 Jan 2007?.. Read the Answer»

What items are required to be in a Soldier’s counseling packet?

What items are required to be in a Soldier's counseling packet? I have been told that there is guidance but have been unable to find it.. Read the Answer»

Can my chain of command force me to buy a car?

Are Soldiers that live in on-post quarters required to have a POV?.. Read the Answer»

Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

Do I have to give a Soldier a copy of the DA Form 4856 counseling form?

What regulation says I have to provide a copy of counseling to the soldier being counseled?.. Read the Answer»

How can I ensure my unit is submitting our Evaluation Reports on time?

Do you have any SOPs or other information that may improve Evaluation completion times?.. Read the Answer»

Is it required to call a medical treatment facility to “Attention” or At Ease” when an officer enters?

I have always been told that when a senior Officer or NCO enters a clinic, aid station, or hospital you do not call the area to attention or at ease, due to patient care is happening. Is this correct and if so what is the regulation that states it?.. Read the Answer»

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

What are my benefits upon separation from the military?

What benefits will I get if I am chaptered out of the Army?.. Read the Answer»

Can information from Social Media be used for UCMJ actions?

I have a Soldier who called in sick this morning due to food poisioning. He ate sushi the other night and got sick. The other night was also his birthday. Which means everyone assumes he was drinking. Now this morning his wife posted a comment about him being hung over. I cannot find the comment anywhere on his or his wife's pages. Our PSG wants to put him in for an article 15 and demote him. The PSG thinks he is lying and is going to investigate. I believe my Soldier and want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Now since it was not him that posted this alleged comment, can they use that against him?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier be sent on training rotation if they are pending UCMJ or chapter actions?

Can a Soldier be sent on a training rotation like NTC if they came up hot and will be chaptered?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be separated for a DUI?

Can they kick me out of the Army for one DUI?.. Read the Answer»

Can I receive promotion points for completing only ALC phase 2?

I completed ALC phase 2 and I have the 1059. The class was added to my ERB by HRC and the 90 points to my 3355 PPW. I have not, however, completed ALC Phase 1 (though I am enrolled for OCT, if that makes any difference). My name was on the list for promotion to SSG this month. Is there an error in the system? I am personally aware of other Soldiers promoted under these circumstances. I did find a line (pg 50) in AR 600-8-19 that says no points will be awarded until all phases are complete, but that same section also talks about multiple ALCs and says ALC is worth 40 points. I'm wondering if there has been a MILPER message about this. I have been strongly advised that the promotion is correct by more than one source, though I can not find anything in writing to back up this claim. I am aware that is not how the system used to work and accept that my 1SG working to remove me from the list may be the right thing. I simply want to know for sure what is the right thing. It's also conceivable to me that I have been promoted in error, but that the promotion should stand, as is the case with my peers this month and untold number in previous months. I'm willing to accept that I be removed from the list if it's the right thing. Looking for a second opinion, is there something my 1SG has missed? Please advise... Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier have multiple UCMJ actions pending at the same time?

Can I receive two Article 15's at the same time?.. Read the Answer»