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How should the tape be aligned on the navel for an overweight weigh-in?

I detailed a SFC to conduct the taping with a "tape team." There was a question in regards to if one of the Soldiers was taped properly. I myself re-tapped the Soldier in question with the acting CSM watching. I aligned the bottom of the tape with the middle of the navel. AR 600-9 Reads: a. Abdomen. Measure abdominal circumference against the skin at the navel (belly button), level and parallel to the floor. Arms are at the sides. Record the measurement at the end of Soldier’s normal, relaxed exhalation. Round abdominal measurement down to the nearest 1⁄2 inch and record (for example, round 343⁄4 to 341⁄2). The acting CSM called me out. He told me I was wrong. I turned to the reg, and it seems to me, this is a matter of interpretation as the reg tells you where to measure, but not which part of the tape has to go across... Read the Answer»

Can I move in with a Soldier who is going through a divorce?

If I live in the barrack can I move in with a Soldier who lives on post and is pending a divorce?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier be separated if they relapse after completing ASAP?

Can they throw me out of the Army if I complete ASAP training and then relaspe?.. Read the Answer»

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Must Soldiers complete all phases of NCOES courses to earn points?

AR 600-8-19 promotions states you have to complete all phases of BNCOC (or ALC as its known now) in order to be awarded points. The new promotions rules do not make mention of this or do not state this specifically it just states Soldiers who graduate from the course get x amount of points. Now I'm fighting Soldiers who are telling me they know Soldiers who received points for this. Before I go and start auditing all my SGTs in the unit I want to make sure there nothing out there that states otherwise. All it takes is for the S1 to add your ALC on your ERB and you get the points even if the Soldier has not completed all phases. It seems like the only guardian of said points is a well informed S1... Read the Answer»

Should I have a third party present when counseling a female?

What are the requirements, if any, to have a third person present when conducting counseling behind closed doors with a Soldier of the opposite sex?.. Read the Answer»

Can I receive UCMJ for not completing corrective training?

Can my squad leader recommend UCMJ if I did not complete corrective training to standard?.. Read the Answer»

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Can a Soldier be forced to reveal financial information?

If a Soldier is having financial difficulty can he refuse to provide financial information to his squad leader to help develop a plan of action?.. Read the Answer»

Must I include DUI on a Soldier’s NCOER?

Should I mention a DUI offense on my Soldier's NCOER?.. Read the Answer»

Can I withdraw an Article 15 appeal?

Can I withdraw my appeal under the Article 15 process?.. Read the Answer»

Can single Soldiers live off base?

How would I report a single Soldier for not living in the barracks?.. Read the Answer»

Will I retain my promotable status after I reclass to a new MOS?

I have a question regarding the Command List Integration process. I am currently on the CLI in my current unit, when i reclass to 35F in January will i retain the CLI and be on the by name promotion list since 35F is a star mos and points are 39 right now? Will I have to attend a promotion board after the 90 day evaluation at my next unit after reclass? Any help is greatly appreciated... Read the Answer»

Can a counseling statement be written by someone other than the counselor?

I recently received a counseling statement that was written by my OIC, but the counseling was given to me by my NCOIC. Is this within regulation?.. Read the Answer»