Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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Can I be counseled by my commander if he was not even present at the event that took place?

If an event took place with a Soldier between an NCO or Officer, should that NCO or Officer counsel you? Or does your commander have the right to counsel you on the event that happened although they weren't there to witness the incident themselves? And if you are counseled, how long after the event take place do you have to counsel that soldier? Also where can I find that regulation?.. Read the Answer»

Can my rater, senior rater, and reviewer be the same person as long as they are an SES?

1. I heard that rater, senior rater and reviewer can be all DOD civilians as long as the reviewer is a Senior Executive Service (SES, is that true? 2. Also , can the senior rater and the reviewer be of same person who is an SES? .. Read the Answer»

Can I be forced to PCS while on a medical recovery profile for surgery?

I recently underwent knee surgery and was put on assignment. I received my profile that limits me from deploying so I can recover from surgery. Can my unit force me to PCS to my next unit that is a deployable unit even though I have non deploying profile?.. Read the Answer»

Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

What evaluation form should I use to counsel an E-4?

Do you have a sample of a E4 Eval Counseling Form. So when the Eval are due there is no surprise to the E4 Something like a NCO support Form.. Read the Answer»

Should I document that my Soldier does not plan on Reenlisting?

Hello Top. Got a quick question. So one of my NCOs are in their reenlist net window - his ETS is FEB 2015. And he doesn't plan on reenlisting. Should I document this on 4856? If so what verbiage would be appropriate? Thanks in advance!.. Read the Answer»

I recently got married & I am stationed in Korea, am I enttitled to FSA?

I am stationed in Korea, recently got married and returned to Korea. Just want to know if I am authorized family separation allowance. I put in a pay inquiry months ago and want to know if they will pay me back pay... Read the Answer»

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Can I pin on my new rank before showing up to my new unit?

I am currently on PCS leave and made cutoff for SSG. Do I sew the rank on my uniform before signing in to my new duty station or wait until I sign in? I am trying to get a copy of my promotion orders from my previous Battalion, but I am unsure if they are going to get a copy to me before my report date. What is the "Right" thing to do in this situation?.. Read the Answer»

Can I smoke E-cigaretters in federal buildings on a military installation?

Can you "smoke"electronic cigarettes in government buildings?.. Read the Answer»

I received an Article 15 for DUI and 18 months later I am being processed for separation- Is this double jeopardy..What can I do?

I am a senior leader that received a DUI while serving Overseas. I have 15 years of service. I received an Article 15 for this incident. 18 months later I was informed that I am being processed for separation. Is this double jeopardy? What can I do about this?.. Read the Answer»

How do I go about marrying a women from another country?

Should I marry my fiance in Central America before I return to the states?.. Read the Answer»

I was recently under investigation by C.I.D. and was Titled. What does Titling Mean exactly?

I was under Investigation by C.I.D, and cleared of the charges. But according to what my chain of command told me, my case will remain opened for the next five years and I was titled. What does that mean?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier be forced to take an APFT and Weigh-in after a miscarriage?

My spouse had a miscarriage at 18 weeks. She is in the National Guard. She has reported the condition to her unit and they want her to take an APFT test in the next 7-10 days. This was documented and sent to the unit. Can they make her take a pt test and weigh her?.. Read the Answer»