Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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Can My Leader Take My Cell Phone During Duty Hours

My Plt Sgt is starting this new thing where he is trying to take physical custody of the entire platoons cell phones during work hours. Is he able to or have the authority to do this?.. Read the Answer»

Should an In-Ranks Inspection be Announced or Unannounced?

Can I Require National Guard or Reserve Soldiers to Complete Required Tasks When They are not Drilling?

Month after month Tasks are given out to complete misc things prior to drill i.e. Evals, ssd, online surveys, etc. Every month I get excuses, and now "we can't make them do it, or discipline them for it because they are off duty". I'm just getting fed up because it's taking time away from training to get completed. What can I do? I was considering a developmental counseling statement acknowledging the importance of meeting deadlines so the tasks do not conflict with training time. But I'm not sure how to word it... Read the Answer»

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

I am in the National Guard if I fail a Urineanalysis Before Reporting to My Unit will I be Separated?

If a National Guard Soldier fails a Urine analysis before reporting to there official unit will they be separated from the NG? Or will severe consequences other than a discharge take place for someone with a year of service and no civilian or military misconduct? .. Read the Answer»

What should a Leader Look for During an In-Ranks Inspection?

What should a leader look for during an in-ranks inspection?.. Read the Answer»

Does an E-5 Reduced to E-4 Get a Relief for Cause or Change of Rater?

TOP, I have an NCO that was given a Field Grade and reduced to SPC. I want to give him a Change of Rater because I believe he was and could be a good NCO again. My leadership is stating I must give him a Relief for Cause. I understand he made a mistake and his punishment was warranted and he was never "relieved' him from his position. Can I be forced to write a Relief for Cause NCOER when I don't agree with it?.. Read the Answer»

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

Can an NCO Make me Counsel Another Soldier for an Incident in Which I was not Present and Therefore Do Not Know the Facts of the Situation?

Can an NCO make me counsel another Soldier for an incident in which I was not present and therefore do not know the facts of the situation?.. Read the Answer»

Is it true the Counselor only has 48 hours to Obtain the Counselee’s Signature?

Can I be Forced to Cancel a Scheduled Surgery to Attend ACAP?

I have surgery next week for my knee and they want me to cancel the surgery for ACAP for my chapter. Can they do that?.. Read the Answer»

My Spouse has PCS’d and I am Scheduled to PCS to Another Location..How can we be Stationed Together?

My Unit Deferred my School Slot against my will and Now they Want me to Sign a 4187- Do I have to Sign it

My unit deferred my mandatory school slot against my will. Now they need me to sign the 4187. Am I obligated to sign.. Read the Answer»

Is my Article 15 Punishment Excessive?

Recently I received an Article 15 for being late. My punishment was, reduction, 1/2 pay for 2 months, restricted to base 30 days, extra duty 30 days. Does this seem excessive to you?.. Read the Answer»