Category Articles | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our Army leadership Articles. Articles are typically longer and more in-depth than Q&A posts.

Army reception and integration counseling

Some of our readers have requested information on Reception and Integration Counseling.  Let’s take a few moments to outline the process.  I hope this information is useful and provides you with a firm foundation. Remember, as leaders, you set the …Read More

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360-degree Army Performance Counseling

Have you ever sat down to write a performance counseling (monthly or quarterly) only to discover that you could not remember the specifics of an important event? Maybe your Soldier did something praise-worthy or perhaps there was a minor infraction …Read More

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Army counseling techniques

Counseling techniques are methods that leaders can use to achieve a desire impact on the soldier.  ATP 6-22.1 provides the following information.

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

The drawdown cycle

After more than 10 years, we are beginning to drawn down major military operations that have tested our country. We will continue to the fight in Afghanistan until at least 2014 and most likely have a significant role in Iraq …Read More

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Three smart methods to encourage your guests to RSVP

Don’t you hate it when you have to take the little bit of free time you have, usually late at night when everyone else in the house is asleep, to prepare 60 invitations to the coffee that it is your …Read More

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Move out beret, the patrol cap is in!

The Secretary of the Army announced on 13 June 2011 via Army Directive 2011-11 that “Effective 14 June 2011, the ACU patrol cap is the primary headgear for all Soldiers as the duty uniform headgear.”

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Improve your unit with effective Exit Interviews

One of the best tools leaders can use to gain productive feedback is the exit interview.

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Counseling and Article 15: Leader Responsibilities

Receiving an Article 15 is a significant emotional event in a Soldier’s life. Leaders sometimes forget how difficult these times can be for Soldiers and their families. While correcting substandard performance is important, it is equally important to plan for …Read More

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NCO Business and Officer Business v. Leader Business

Have you ever heard an NCO or officer make the statement “That’s NCO business”? What exactly does that mean? NCOs and officers have their own respective areas of authority. This article is about the difference between NCO business, officer business, …Read More

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Do NCOs deserve more pay?

The argument is as old as the service itself. NCOs are requesting their pay be raised to a rate comparable to officers. There are several factors to weigh when considering this issue: responsibilities, experience, and education just to name a …Read More

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How to make a sexual harassment complaint in the Army

Recently we received a request regarding a case of alleged sexual harassment. The Soldier wanted to know what was the best way to report the issue. Unfortunately there is no cut and dry, right or wrong approach. Each issue is a little …Read More

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New Semi-Centralized Promotions System

Did you know that the Army is converting to a new Semi-Centralized Promotions System? All promotable and future promotable Specialists, Corporals and Sergeants are affected. On 17 May 2010, the Army G1 approved the changes to the process for calculating promotion points for …Read More

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