Category Articles | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our Army leadership Articles. Articles are typically longer and more in-depth than Q&A posts.

I recently received an Article 15 and I am due to ETS in 2 months but my unit wants to chapter me. Can they do this?

If I receive quarters for 24 hours when am I required to report to work?

This response is provided based on the information you shared and should not be used as the sole source for making a decision. You should seek guidance from the chain of command, IG, JAG or other certified agencies before making …Read More

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My chain of command frequently puts out information after 2000 hours is there anything I can do to get them to do it during formation or a reasonable hour?

Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

Is it true when a new leader takes over I get a fresh start and my previous counselings no longer matter?

This response is provided based on the information you shared and should not be used as the sole source for making a decision. You should seek guidance from the chain of command, IG, JAG or other certified agencies before making …Read More

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My wife is pregnant and I will be going to the gas chamber will it be safe for me to do it?

This response is provided based on the information you shared and should not be used as the sole source for making a decision. You should seek guidance from the chain of command, IG, JAG or other certified agencies before making …Read More

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Can a leader order a Soldier not to consume energy drinks during the duty day?

This response is provided based on the information you shared and should not be used as the sole source for making a decision. You should seek guidance from the chain of command, IG, JAG or other certified agencies before making …Read More

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

Who is responsible for counseling the First Sergeant?

This response is provided based on the information you shared and should not be used as the sole source for making a decision. You should seek guidance from the chain of command, IG, JAG or other certified agencies before making …Read More

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Can an NCO stop me from smoking during PT hours even if I am not participating in PT or in the PT area?

This response is provided based on the information you shared and should not be used as the sole source for making a decision. You should seek guidance from the chain of command, IG, JAG or other certified agencies before making …Read More

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My Soldier is an E 3 and has been in the Army just over a year. They got a DUI and it looks like they might get chaptered. What can be done to help them stay in the Army as they have significant potential?

Regulations:  AR 600-85, AR 635-200 Experience Tells us that a highly deserving Soldier can continue their service.  The chain of command can decide to do: Nothing – highly unlikely unless there are special circumstances Punish the Soldier under the procedures …Read More

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Who is responsible for Counseling the First Sergeant

This response is provided based on the information you shared and should not be used as the sole source for making a decision. You should seek guidance from the chain of command, IG, JAG or other certified agencies before making …Read More

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I have filed a formal appeal on my award downgrade. The unit is saying the recommender has to file appeal. The regulation does not stipulate. Do you have better guidance?

Can I get my promotable status back if I was retained by a separation board?