Category Expert Field Medical Badge | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Expert Field Medical Badge

91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Clinical Handbook Supportive Care 2

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Manage a Seizing Casualty (Determine type of seizure; Assess the casualty and overview of differential diagnosis; Provide emergency medical care; Provide on-going management); Assist in Vaginal Delivery (Stages of Labor; Care for …Read More

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91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Handbook

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: NBC Equipment Overview (Individual protection equipment); Vesicants and Cyanide Agents (Classification and Properties of Vesicants; Effects and Treatments for Sulfur Mustard Agent Exposure; Effects and Treatment for Lewisite Agent Exposure; Effects and …Read More

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91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Combat Trauma Treatment and Management Handbook

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Introduction to Ballistic, Blast, and Burn Injuries (Introduction to Ballistic, Blast and Burn Injuries; Small arms, wounding agents, and their effects; Explosive munitions, wounding agents and their effects; Flame and incendiary munitions …Read More

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Clinical Handbook Supportive Care 4

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Post-Mortem Care (Process Used to Declare a Person Dead; Changes That Occur in the Body after Death; Death Certificate; Organ Donation and Autopsy; Responsibility in Preparing the Body; Role in Caring for …Read More

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91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Clinical Handbook Supportive Care 3

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Basic Nursing Assessment (Facts about Physical Assessment; Basic techniques used in performing an assessment; Components of the patient assessment; Guidelines for documentation of physical assessment); Nursing Documentation (Medical Records Purposes and Confidentiality; …Read More

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91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Clinical Handbook Supportive Care

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Treat Metabolic Endocrine Symptoms (Review of principles of glucose metabolism; Assess the casualty for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia; Disorders of the Thyroid Gland; Hypothyroidism); Treat Neurological Symptoms (Determine the cause and/or mechanism of …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Invasive Procedures Handbook

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Basic Math and Calculate an IV Flow Rate (Basic computations with whole numbers; Fractions; Decimals; Calculate an IV flow rate); Invasive Procedure Safety (Primary means of exposure to bloodborne pathogens; Primary means …Read More

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91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Force Health Protection Handbook

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Introduction to Medical Threat (Importance of te Field Sanitation Team; Medical Threat; The individual in the field environment; The role of the 91W); Waste Disposal in the Field (Waste disposal in the …Read More

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91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Evacuation Handbook

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Introduction to the Medical Evacuation System (Medical Evacuation System; Echelons of Care); Effects of Geneva Convention on MEDEVAC (Identify Distinctive Markings and Camouflage of Medical Facilities and Evacuation Platforms; Identify Medical Aircraft; …Read More

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91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Core Skills Handbook

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Perform a Casualty Assessment (Determine threats; Initial casualty assessment; AMPLE history; Immediate life-threatening injuries; Additional casualty assessment); Airway Management and Oxygen Therapy (Establish an airway; Assess for airway obstruction; Provide oxygen; Suction …Read More

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AMEDDC&S Pam 350-10 Training Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB) Test

This U.S. Army Medical Department Center & School (AMEDDC&S) pamphlet standardizes EFMB requirements and testing procedures. It provides DA criteria and administrative instructions concerning the award of the EFMB. This pamphlet also governs the qualifications for the EFMB and prescribes …Read More

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