Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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To the world you are someone, but to someone you are the world

To the world you are someone, but to someone you are the world.

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Can they stop my leave because I am pending UCMJ?

I am being recommended for a company grade Article 15 because I missed an appointment. I missed that appointment because i was escorting a Soldier. I feel this is a severe punishment. The last time I was counseled was May 2010. I have not been counseled monthly or annually. They also informed me that my packet was lost and I needed to resign the counseling form. They cannot backdate a counseling, am I correct? It of course is block leave for Christmas and I was told today that my leave had been pulled because I am flagged pending UCMJ action. Are they allowed to do that?.. Read the Answer»

How can I consolidate my dual military family to a single location?

I am one half of a dual military marriage. I PCS'd right before my wife and I got married. She is currently located at a different post. We just found out that she is pregnant and her command is tracking it as well. Can I submit an application for compassionate reassignment? How can we get stationed together if I just PCS'd? I have only been at my new post for about a month. We both have exactly 2 years and 1 month left on our contracts... Read the Answer»

Army Uniform Tool
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

How can I convince my chain of command to drop an Article 15?

With the drawdown going strong, the military is looking for discriminators to ensure only Soldiers with good records can reenlist. We now have Brigade Commanders reviewing Soldier performance history to see if they should be allowed to REUP! Team, this …Read More

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How can I put an end to ongoing spousal abuse?

We have a Soldier who likes to threaten his spouse. He has told her that she cannot come to the unit to talk with the chain of command about the problem. This Soldier tells the spouse that he is going to leave her and that she is trying to destroy his career. This is an ongoing problem. Both parties have been known to engage in domestic violence against one another. The non service member is afraid to move forth with charges for fear of reprisal. I know DV is a big problem. We have gotten that under control. Is there anything that can be done about the threats? What is the actual "crime committed," so to speak and what are some consequences for this service members actions?.. Read the Answer»

ALARACT 105/2010 Basic Allowance For Subsistence (BAS) COLLECTIONS

This message reinforces to commanders, G1’s, S1’s, and military pay offices that the law and Army regulation require collection for meals provided to Soldiers who are receiving full BAS under field conditions. This requirement is not optional. Unit commanders are …Read More

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

Who can stop my leader from abusing me and ignoring my medical profile?

I'm currently going through a medboard. I am not eliglible for WTU because of time remaining in service (I am on 90 day extensions). I was supposed to ETS in November 2011. Is there anything that protects the Soldier from neglect and undue harassment from chain of command? Example: I had a back procedure and was told to come back to work before the rest period ended. I have had a car accident due to my medication and my chain of command is violating my profile. It has already caused a fracture in my neck and broken ribs... Read the Answer»

Can I counsel a Soldier who is attached to another unit?

Two of my Soldiers are attached to other units. I have counseled one of them for numerous issues over the course of a month. Now my SFC wants me to counsel the other Soldier. I called the unit he is attached to and spoke with the SSG above the Soldier. The SSG told me I could not counsel the Soldier because I am not currently in his chain of command. Now my SFC wants to counsel me. What should I do?.. Read the Answer»

Where can I find a copy of my promotions orders?

How can I find a copy of my promotion orders? .. Read the Answer»

Who initials corrections on a DA Form 4856?

If I have a typo or incorrect information on a DA 4856 counseling statement, can I make corrections in pen after it has been signed? Who needs to initial these corrections?.. Read the Answer»

How can we fix big problems before a deployment?

Our unit is about to deploy in Dec and they are in training at a large installation in the U.S. The Soldiers are complaining that the leadership does not care. Soldiers are not getting chow, they are staying in billets without heat, and they have been told a 4 pass they were promised now will not happen. What can I do?.. Read the Answer»

Brief Interruption in Service

Hello friends. Visitors this weekend may have noticed that we had a brief interruption in service on Sunday. It looks like our host suspended us because we were hammering their database server. We were overdue for some database optimization and …Read More

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