Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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The site is great and the answer was very helpful! I still have additional questions but I am going to try and resolve this on my own.

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Thank you so much! Reading through all of the regulations is a major headache and usually leaves me feeling confused. I will investigate all the regulations you recommended. Again, thanks a lot.

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AskTOP is a great resource for Soldier-to-Soldier advice on everything from regulations to those grey areas.

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Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Thanks Top! Fast answer and you explained it all.

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Can I order a Soldier to take down an unprofessional Facebook photo?

I have a Soldier who posted a picture on his facebook page half naked with his pants below his waist line to where you can see his privates. I told him that this picture is inappropriate and he should remove it from his Facebook. I ordered him to take it down since it is disrespectful to others and does not represent the Army well. He told me there is no regulation that says he has to take it off... TOP what can I do?.. Read the Answer»

Would you eat some in a box?

SME Doug has brought to our attention another unintended side effect of our recent server migration. It looks like we accidentally enabled a “subscribe to all posts” feature that was causing some grief. If you were affected by this, I …Read More

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

How should the tape be aligned on the navel for an overweight weigh-in?

I detailed a SFC to conduct the taping with a "tape team." There was a question in regards to if one of the Soldiers was taped properly. I myself re-tapped the Soldier in question with the acting CSM watching. I aligned the bottom of the tape with the middle of the navel. AR 600-9 Reads: a. Abdomen. Measure abdominal circumference against the skin at the navel (belly button), level and parallel to the floor. Arms are at the sides. Record the measurement at the end of Soldier’s normal, relaxed exhalation. Round abdominal measurement down to the nearest 1⁄2 inch and record (for example, round 343⁄4 to 341⁄2). The acting CSM called me out. He told me I was wrong. I turned to the reg, and it seems to me, this is a matter of interpretation as the reg tells you where to measure, but not which part of the tape has to go across... Read the Answer»

Should I have a third party present when counseling a female?

What are the requirements, if any, to have a third person present when conducting counseling behind closed doors with a Soldier of the opposite sex?.. Read the Answer»

Coming Soon: AskTOP video Q&A

We aren’t very happy with the quality of the AskTOP introduction video. We have been working to refine our process ever since our initial foray into video recording. The camcorder we used is subpar, the script was lacking, and we had to …Read More

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Must I include DUI on a Soldier’s NCOER?

Should I mention a DUI offense on my Soldier's NCOER?.. Read the Answer»

Can a counseling statement be written by someone other than the counselor?

I recently received a counseling statement that was written by my OIC, but the counseling was given to me by my NCOIC. Is this within regulation?.. Read the Answer»

How much time can a Soldier take before signing a counseling statement?

How long can I take to decide if I will sign a counseling statement?.. Read the Answer»