Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Here is a list of every post written by Mark

Do I have to give a Soldier a copy of the DA Form 4856 counseling form?

What regulation says I have to provide a copy of counseling to the soldier being counseled?.. Read the Answer»

How can I ensure my unit is submitting our Evaluation Reports on time?

Do you have any SOPs or other information that may improve Evaluation completion times?.. Read the Answer»

Is it required to call a medical treatment facility to “Attention” or At Ease” when an officer enters?

I have always been told that when a senior Officer or NCO enters a clinic, aid station, or hospital you do not call the area to attention or at ease, due to patient care is happening. Is this correct and if so what is the regulation that states it?.. Read the Answer»

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

New AR 600-9 hits the Street- What Changed?

Just a quick note to let you know of the changes in AR 600-9.    There are numerous changes.  The following is an extract of the Regulation Summary page.  Notice scales must now be calibrated.

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Today we’re glad to feature an article by guest writer CSM Eric Schmitz. His article examines what mission focus is all about, and how tasks that “detract” from the mission can make all the difference. …The Brigade and its subordinate …Read More

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Focus on the Mission

Written by guest author: CSM Schmitz. Command Sergeant Major Schmitz, currently serves as the Battalion Command Sergeant Major for the 297th Military Intelligence Battalion. He has served in all leadership positions from Squad Leader to Battalion Command Sergeant Major. Some …Read More

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Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

What are my benefits upon separation from the military?

What benefits will I get if I am chaptered out of the Army?.. Read the Answer»

Surviving WOCS: A Guide to Applying for the Warrant Officer Candidate School

Are you thinking about becoming a warrant officer?  If so you might want to check out this new book by CW4 (R) Jim Boroch. Chief has compiled years of experience and expertise into a quick and easy read how-to book.  …Read More

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Let’s give a warm AskTOP welcome to our newest SME, 1SG Gibson! He has already shared a very personal and timely story with us. Take a look. I used to have a reoccurring dream after I returned home from my …Read More

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Status Report

The AskTOP team has been busy busy busy lately. Launched The Mentor Enterprises team (publishers of have launched a new military humor network called The debut member comic of that network is Delta Bravo Sierra, a miltoon …Read More

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Commander’s Legal Handbook

This guide is designed to assist Commanders with legal situations by helping them recognize and avoid issues or take immediate action necessary to preserve the situation when legal issues arise.

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I have come to AskTOP for advice twice I have received quick answers which helped me become a better leader both time. Much appreciated. I will continue to AskTOP!

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