Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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What award is related to the Award Abbreviation: ALB

in box 15 of NGB 22, an award called ALB, right after the ARCAM, and before NG awards, is listed. I can't translate it into a medal or badge. My dad was a tanker and infantryman and I can find no related awards with an abbreviation of ALB. .. Read the Answer»

Is a Commander Required to Serve Divorce Papers to a Soldier?

Is a Commander Required to Serve Divorce Papers to a Soldier.. Read the Answer»

I lost my status a few weeks ago because my ppw was not updated with a current APFT Will I lose my Promotable Status

I lost my status a few weeks ago because my ppw was not updated with a current APFT. So my promo points disappeared off of my ERB which I assume is losing my p status. I checked my erb this morning and all my stuff is updated and my promo points are back on there. Does that mean I am promotable? my ppw status is; MLI-recommended E6.. Read the Answer»

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Can I be Placed on Setup and Clean Up Detail because I chose not to Participate in a Unit Ball?

Because I didn't purchase a ticket to our Unit's Ball, I've been told, only 3 days prior, that I will be on the setup/cleanup detail. The reason that I didn't buy a ticket was because My wife works at night, past midnight, and I need to be home with the kids. Now They say I need to find a baby sitter because I am on the detail. So not buying a ticket will cost me almost $100 for a Friday night baby sitter at last minute notice. Do I have any recourse? And no, there is no DA6 for details or the likes... Read the Answer»

Can shoulder pockets be removed and flag, tabs, DUI, etc. be sewn on instead of Velcro?

Can shoulder pockets be removed and flag, tabs, DUI, etc. be sewn on instead of Velcro?.. Read the Answer»

When Should I Expect the Results of my Stand by Advisory Board (STAB) Board?

How long does it take to get the results of a STAB? I am being reconsidered for promotion to SFC for FY16 and FY 17 during the FY18 SFC board.. Read the Answer»

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Can a Soldier be Counseled for Failing to Cancel an Appointment for the Next Day if the Chain of Command Kept them on Mission Unable to Cancel the Appointment?

Can a soldier be counseled for not canceling an appointment for the following day? One of my soldiers had surgery on her knee and is in physical therapy to bring it back to strength. Our chain of command asked her to cancel her appointment for the following day so she can go to the gas chamber, she was on mission all day from one place to the next and did t have time to call. Can she be counseled for not canceling??.. Read the Answer»

Can soldiers on patrol or in battlefield wear personal electronic devices such as GoPro?

Can soldiers on patrol or in battlefield wear personal electronic devices such as GoPro? My commonsense answer would be no, but you are more better at suited to answer this question given your experience. .. Read the Answer»

Can a Leader Other Then the One Annotated on the Counseling Form Counsel a Soldier? Is it Legal to do this?

Is it legal to have someone else counsel a soldier other than the one named on the actual counseling statement? I have situation in which I was counseled by a leader however that leader's name did not appear anywhere on the counseling form. For example my squad leader wrote the counseling but my platoon sergeant gave me the counseling actual counseling session... Read the Answer»

Can a Leader Make Their Own Barrack Standards?

Can a Leader Make Their Own Barrack Standards? I have a leader that adds additional standards to our barrack SOP. What Can I DO?.. Read the Answer»

Can My Unit Stop Me From Attending BLC?

I Am an E4(P) and my section NCOIC counseled me, stating he will not send me to BLC because my wife is currently being investigated by civilian Child protective services. I am not being investigated nor am I flagged. Otherwise I am fully promotable. If I had gone to BLC I would have made points this month. What can I do? Is he doing anything wrong? Advice?.. Read the Answer»

How Can I Get My Husband Home On Leave?

I need to know how i get leave for my husband to come home to me please could you tell me what I need to do please thank you.. Read the Answer»