Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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MEME of the Week

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Can I be order to complete mandatory training if I have already completed the training and within tolerance?

Can a BDE or BN Commander require Soldiers to redo online 350-1Mando TRNG (i.e. ATlvl1) if they are in compliance? As in it is annual training and I did it last month. Can they punish the Soldier for not meeting their Arbitrary deadline to do so?.. Read the Answer»

I just reenlisted with a bonus and requested to go to Korea. If I ask for my orders to be deleted will I have to repay my bonus

I recently reenlisted for 6yrs to go to Korea and received a SRB. Shortly after reenlisting I was on orders to deploy. They have me going to a unit I don't want. My branch manager has a different slot for me at a different unit in Korea. The only way to get that slot is to delete my current orders. My report date is July, but I don't reploy until August.If I ask for deletion of my orders will I have repay my bonus?.. Read the Answer»

Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

I’m worried about a fmaily member. He seems very depressed. His sergeant doesn’t seem to be professional. He states the sergeant is very rude. He was doing at his previous duty station and seemed to like it alot. I’m really worried about his state of mind. Is there anything that can be done?.. Read the Answer»

Am I entitled to a copy of documents I sign?

I have a situation in which I signed a document and the leader refused to give me a copy of the document. Is this legal?.. Read the Answer»

My Command has refused to remove a flag, what can I do?

I had a flag review in late July and was found to be in good standing. The flag remains in place. JAG has advised me the removal can take up to six months and I should cease any further follow ups. All of the research I have done says the flag should be removed immediately, and/or within 3 Days. This is detrimentally affecting a disabled child's ability to use education benefits, and causing great distress to the family as a whole and a significant financial burden. Can you provide any direction as to how and to whom we should escalate to? I thank you, in advance, for any help you may be able to provide!.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Can I be separated from service for failing a PT if my chain of command failed to properly execute thier duties and responsibilities?

Top I really need your expertise. I failed my 1st APFT. Then I passed the 2nd one but leadership then told me it was diagnostic. I took another APFT a week after and passed but Unit Leadership nullified the test because some Soldiers complained they ran extra lap. I then had to take another APFT in which I ended up running in the snow and I failed my run by 16sec. My commander has initiated chapter process but i have not signed any paperwork yet. I have asked to talk to him but I have not gotten a response from my chain of command. What should I do?.. Read the Answer»

Class of the Week- Promotion Board Procedures

[download-attachment id=”30744″ title=”Board Procedures”]  

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Can my chain of command force me to buy a unit PT uniform?

My chain of command is putting out a new uniform for pt but the soldiers have to purchase this new uniform and it’s not the pts issued from the beginning it’s more of a squadron uniform , so my question is can they make me buy it , will I get in trouble if I don’t ?.. Read the Answer»

Do schools attended while enlisted carry over to the military education section of an ORB when you commission as an officer?

Do schools attended while enlisted carry over to the military education section of an ORB when you commission as an officer?.. Read the Answer»

If you are speaking of an Article 15 as punitive as than “Yes” they can proceed with the action without an assessment. The decision to proceed will be up to the JAG. There is typically no counseling requirement

If you are speaking of an Article 15 as punitive as than "Yes" they can proceed with the action without an assessment. The decision to proceed will be up to the JAG. There is typically no counseling requirement .. Read the Answer»

GREAT Tool of the Week: How to Communicate Effectively with a Member of Congress

Elected officials rely on constituent input to be effective legislators. Ongoing communication is the only way public representatives will know and understand how voters feel about particular issues. As a member of the medical community, your responsibility in communicating with …Read More

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