Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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ER 1165-2-501 Civil Works Ecosystem Restoration Policy

Purpose:  This regulation provides policy on Corps of Engineers involvement in ecosystem restoration and protection through Civil Works programs and activities.

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ER 1165-2-400 Recreational Planning Development and Management Policies C H 1

Purpose:  This regulation defines the objectives, philosophies and basic policies for the planning, development and management of outdoor recreation and enhancement of fish and wildlife resources at Corps of Engineers water resource development projects.

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ER 1165-2-30 Acceptance and Return of Required Contributed or Advanced Funds

Purpose:  This regulation compiles the existing authorities for acceptance and return of appropriate portions of required, contributed or advanced funds from private parties, states, and political subdivisions in connection with Civil Works projects, and establishes basic procedures controlling the acceptance …Read More

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Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

ER 1165-2-29 General Credit for Flood Control

Purpose:  This establishes guidelines and procedures for Department of the Army application of the provisions of Section 104 of Public Law 99-662.

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ER 1165-2-27 Establishment of Wetlands Areas in Connection with Dredging

Purpose:  This regulation provides guidance for the establishment of wetland areas in connection with dredging required as part of water resources development projects.

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ER 1165-2-26 Implementation of Executive Order 11988 on Flood Plain Management

Purpose:  The purpose of this regulation is to set forth general policy and guidance for Corps of Engineers implementation of Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, as it pertains to the planning, design and construction of Civil Works projects, to activities …Read More

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

ER 1165-2-25 Navigation Policy Cost Apportionment of Bridge Alterations

Purpose:  This regulation provides policies and guidelines for the apportionment of bridge alteration costs required in connection with navigation improvements recommended in reports transmitted to the Chief of Engineers for approval or submitted to Congress for authorization.

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ER 1165-2-21 Flood Damage Reduction Measures in Urban Areas

Purpose:  This regulation provides policies and guidance for Corps of Engineers participation in urban flood damage reduction projects and establishes criteria to distinguish between improvements to be accomplished by the Corps under its flood control authorities and storm sewer systems …Read More

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ER 1165-2-18 Reimbursement for Non-Federal Participation in Civil Works Projects

Purpose:  This regulation provides guidance on use of Section 215 of the Flood Control Act of 1968, as amended, to reimburse (i.e. credit, repay, or combination) a non-Federal public body for construction of part of an authorized Federal project. It …Read More

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ER 1165-2-132 Hazardous Toxic and Radioactive Waste HTRW Guidance for Civil Works Projects

Purpose:  The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for consideration of issues and problems associated with hazardous, toxic, and radioactive wastes (HTRW) which may be located within project boundaries or may affect or be affected by Corps Civil …Read More

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ER 1165-2-131 Local Cooperation Agreements for New Start Construction Projects

Purpose:  This Engineer Regulation provides guidance on procedures and responsibilities for developing, submitting, and obtaining approval of Local Cooperation Agreements (LCAs) for specifically authorized new construction starts. This regulation does not apply to Continuing Authorities Projects.

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ER 1165-2-130 Federal Participation in Shore Protection

Purpose:  This Engineer Regulation (ER) provides policies and guidelines for determining the extent of Federal participation in potential Federal projects for protection from shore erosion, hurricanes, and abnormal tidal and lake flooding that result in damages or losses to coastal …Read More

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