Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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GTA 05-02-012 Coordinate Scale and Protractor

This is a coordinate scale used to measure azimuth and convert to mils. The outer scale measures MILS and the inner scale measures DEGREES. There are three right triangles situated in the middle with each containing different scales. The image …Read More

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GTA 03-09-001 Gridded Template

This GTA has black and red numbers for measuring is used by active, reserve and guard. This Grided Template enables commanders, platoon sergeants, squad leaders, and all MOSs to determine the amount of explosive to use for different types of …Read More

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GTA 03-06-008 CBRN Warning and Reporting System

Contains the following information: Sample CBRN 1 Report (Observer’s Report) Sample CBRN 2 Report (Evaluated Data) Sample CBRN 3 Report (Immediate Warning of Expected Contamination or Hazard Area) Sample CBRN 4 Report (Recon, Monitoring, and Survey Results) Sample CBRN 5 …Read More

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

GTA 03-05-015 Chemical Protection and Decontamination

Contains information on: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and nuclear (CRBN) Operational Elements Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) Analysis MOPP Levels Toxix Industrial Materials (TIM) Hazards Skin Exposure Reduction Paste Against Chemical Warfare Agests (SERPACWA) Pre-, During, post-attack Action Sign and Symptoms of …Read More

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