Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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ER 15-1-26 Corps of Engineers SES Incentive Awards Committee

Purpose:  The purpose of this regulation is to establish the Corps of Engineers Senior Executive Service Incentive Awards Committee (SES-IAC) and define its composition and responsibilities.

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ER 15-1-25 USACE Facilities Standardization Committee

Purpose:  This regulation establishes and defines the mission of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Facilities Standardization Committee.

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ER 15-1-22 Corps of Engineers Engineer Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement EFARS Committee

Purpose:  This regulation establishes the USACE EWG.

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

ER 15-1-21 Cost Contract Management Evaluation Team

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes the policy, responsibilities and implementation of the HQUSACE Cost Contracting Management Evaluation Team (COMET) for cost-reimbursement type construction and construction management contracts.

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ER 15-1-16 USACE Human Resources Development Steering Committee

Purpose:  This regulation establishes the roles, responsibilities and composition of the USACE Human Resources Development (HRD) Steering Committee and abolishes the Corps of Engineers Training Issues Committee (CETIC) and the Career Development Council.

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ER 15-1-10 Career Planning Board

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes the composition, objectives, and responsibilities of the Career Planning Board for the Army, Civilian Career Program for Engineers and Scientists (Resources and Construction).

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

ER 140-1-2 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Individual Mobilization Augmente IMA Program

Purpose:  This regulation augments existing Army policy documents on IMA Program Management. It provides policy direction, information and responsibilities concerning implementation of the Corps IMA Program to Headquarters, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE), Office of the Chief of …Read More

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ER 1180-1-9 Design-Build Contracting

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes procedures for the use of design-build contracting by elements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

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ER 1180-1-8 Contracts Labor Relations

Purpose:  In as much as Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950 places primary responsibility for the enforcement of construction labor standards upon the contracting agencies, this ER is devoted primarily to this mission.  This regulation is designed to provide basic …Read More

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ER 1180-1-6 Construction Quality Management

Purpose:  This regulation provides the general policy and guidance for establishing quality management procedures in the execution of construction contracts. It defines the related responsibilities and roles of both the contractor and the government in the management of quality in …Read More

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ER 1165-2-503 Resources Policies and Authorities Office of Management and Budget Clearance for The Questionnaires for U.S. Army Engineer Civil Works Studies and Projects

Purpose:  The purpose of this regulation is to establish instructions on clearance for the Questionnaires for U.S. Army Engineer Civil Works Studies and Projects (OMB Control Number 0710-0001) and to provide guidance on the development and use of the questionnaires …Read More

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ER 1165-2-502 Resources Policies and Authorities Delegation of Review and Approval Authority for Post-Authorization Decision Documents

Purpose:  This regulation provides guidance on the delegated review and approval of Post-Authorization Decision Documents.  A post-authorization decision document is a report on a previously authorized project that would serve as the basis for construction funding, or in the case …Read More

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