Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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ER 1165-2-124 Construction of Harbor and Inland Harbor Projects by Non-Federal Interests

Purpose:  This regulation provides instructions on the use of Sections 204(a), 204(b), 204(c), 204(d), 204(e) (Operations and Maintenance), and 204(f) of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986.

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ER 1165-2-123 Single-Owner Situations

Purpose:  This regulation provides policy guidance regarding Corps interest in pursuing proposed Civil Works projects, or separable elements thereof, which would directly serve a single entity.

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ER 1165-2-122 Studies of Harbor or Inland Harbor Projects by Non-Federal Interests

Purpose: This regulation provides policy guidance for implementation of Section 203 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, Public Law (PL) 99-662 which authorizes non-Federal interests to undertake, on their own, a feasibility study of a proposed harbor or …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

ER 1165-2-121 Flood Control Cost-Sharing Requirements under the Ability-to-Pay Provision – Section 103m of PL 99-662ER 1165-2-121 Flood Control Cost-Sharing Requirements under the Ability-to-Pay Provision – Section 103m of PL 99-662

Purpose: This regulation gives general instructions on the implementation of Section 103(m) of Public Law (PL) 99-662, 33 USC 2213, as it applies to flood control projects.

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ER 1165-2-120 Reimbursement for Advance Non-Federal Construction of Federally Authorized Harbor and Inland Harbor Improvements

Purpose:  This regulation gives general instructions on use of Section 204(e), Reimbursement, of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, Public Law 99-662 (Appendix A) to reimburse a non-Federal interest for construction of an authorized Federal harbor or inland harbor …Read More

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ER 1165-2-119 Modifications to Completed Projects

Purpose:  To coalesce guidance on the use of available authorities, as compared to the need for new project authorizations, for study and accomplishment of modifications to completed projects.

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

ER 1165-2-118 Federal Participation in Covered Flood Control Channels

Purpose:  This regulation establishes policy for determining the extent of Federal participation in covered flood control channels.

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ER 1165-2-117 Responsibility for Costs of Improved Standards in Highway and Housing Relocations

Purpose:  This regulation summarizes policy and procedures for identifying the costs of meeting improved standards when highways and housing are relocated due to construction of civil works projects. The regulation provides guidance on the acceptable manner of presenting such costs …Read More

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ER 1165-2-114 Use of Excess Power Revenues to Assist in Repayment of Irrigation Costs

Purpose and Scope: These regulations summarize for the guidance of all Division and District Engineers engaged in civil works activities, the position of the Chief of Engineers with respect to the use of excess power revenues to assist in repayment …Read More

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ER 1165-2-111 Corps of Engineer Activites Under the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956 as Amended

Purpose: This regulation provides guidance regarding Corps of Engineers assistance to applicants for loans from the Bureau of Reclamation under the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956 as amended. Corps assistance may be requested when loan applicants propose projects with …Read More

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ER 1150-2-302 Annual Report on Local Cooperation Agreements RCS DAEN-CWO-44

Purpose: This regulation states procedure for reporting requirements of Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-611).

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ER 1150-2-301 Policies and Procedures CH 1 ENG Form 1831

Purpose and Scope: This regulation states the policies and procedures to be followed by all elements of the Corps of Engineers performing Civil Works functions with regard to the construction of projects which require local cooperation. It is applicable to …Read More

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