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ER 200-2-2 Procedures for Implementing NEPA

Purpose:  This regulation provides guidance for implementation of the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the Civil Works Program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It supplements Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations 40 CFR …Read More

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ER 200-1-4 Environmental Compliance Policies-Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program FUSRAP – Site Designation Remediation Scope and Recovering Costs

Purpose:  This regulation sets forth the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) policy concerning the Corps’ roles and responsibilities under FUSRAP in designating new sites, in determining the scope of its cleanup efforts, and in seeking cost recovery or contribution …Read More

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ER 200-1-1 Policy and General Requirements for the Environmental Innovative Technology Program

Purpose: This regulation provides specific policy and guidance for the development, implementation, and documentation of the Innovative Technology Program to foster the successful transfer of new and innovative environmental technologies to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) projects.

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

ER 190-1-50 Law Enforcement Policy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Purpose:  The purpose of this regulation is to establish law enforcement policies for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to define authority and jurisdiction and to provide procedures for liaison with appropriate law enforcement authorities, and for reporting, recording, investigating …Read More

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ER 15-2-2 Boards Commissions and Committees Foreign Trade Zones — Establishment Operation Maintenance and Administration

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes the responsibilities of the Corps of  Engineers relating to the establishment, operation, maintenance, and administration of foreign-trade zones in the United States.

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ER 15-2-14 Committees on Tidal Hydraulics, Channel Stabilization, Water Quality and Hydrology

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes the objectives, composition, and responsibilities of the Corps of Engineers Committees on Tidal Hydraulics, Channel Stabilization, Water Quality, and Hydrology.

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Army Uniform Tool
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

ER 15-2-13 Mississippi River Water Control Management Board

Purpose:  This regulation establishes and prescribes the objectives, composition, responsibilities and authority of the Mississippi River Water Control Management Board.

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ER 15-1-43 United States Army Corps of Engineers Acquisition Corporate Group

Purpose:  This regulation establishes the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Acquisition Corporate Group (ACG).

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ER 15-1-41 Boards Commissions and Committees Corps of Engineers Specifications Steering Committee CSSC

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes the objectives, composition, and responsibilities of the Corps of Engineers Specifications Steering Committee (CSSC).

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ER 15-1-38 Corps of Engineers Real Estate Automation Oversight Committee

Purpose:  This regulation establishes the Real Estate Automation Oversight Committee (REAOC) and its objectives, composition, organization, and responsibilities.

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ER 15-1-36 Committee on Cost Engineering

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes the objectives, composition, and responsibilities of the Corps of Engineers Committee on Cost Engineering.

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ER 15-1-29 Construction Contractor Performance Review Team Functions

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes the policy of USACE relating to contractors who willfully fail to perform in accordance with the terms of their contracts, or those who have a history of unsatisfactory performance on one or more contracts. It also …Read More

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