replytocom=258582 I just got put on assignment orders. How can I get them deleted? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

I just got put on assignment orders. How can I get them deleted?

I recently found out as I checked my AKO that I have been placed on assignment orders to Ft. Polk, LA. How can I request to get them deleted?

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Getting put on assignment can be stressful to any Soldier. When a Soldier is placed on assignment to a duty location they do not want to go to, or they just do not want to leave their current duty assignment for a number of reasons, there is still a way out of it–though everyone should be aware that a request for an assignment deletion is never guaranteed. Branch managers at HRC place Soldiers on assignment for a variety of reasons, and they are only ones who can tell you what that reason is. Because of this, deletions, though not impossible, are a matter of timing, unit strength, and justification.

I just got put on an assignment order, how do I get it deleted?

When attempting to delete assignment orders, make sure you give a reason that is justifiable and logical.

In order to request an assignment deletion, you must fill out a DA Form 4187 requesting deletion of assignment. A format for the DA Form 4187 can be acquired from your S1. Ensure you give a reason that is justifiable and logical. Just remember, the more information, the better. Also be sure to attach any supporting documentation you have such as doctor’s medical notes, memos from your child’s school, school reservation letters, etc. The documentation of course will depend on your situation. The DA Form 4187 must be signed by you, your company, battalion, and in some units, the brigade commander. Your DA Form 4187 will be routed to your S1 for input into the system (EDAS) or will be sent to your branch manager for approval. Based on my experience, branch managers usually make a decision within a week. Your S1 should be able to give you status updates.

If your request is disapproved but you would like a later report date, consider a deferment request using the same procedures above.

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MacArthur D. "Mackie" Ocampo is an Active Duty First Sergeant and has served in the Army for 15 years to date with 9 years of service as a Human Resources Specialist. Currently, he serves as the First Sergeant for Hammer Company, 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 2d Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2d Infantry Division at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA. Mackie has served in Korea, Ft. Carson, CO, Schofield Barracks, HI, twice in Afghanistan, and twice in Iraq accumulating over 59 months of overseas service. He believes that the "personnel" aspect of a Soldier's career is a big factor in their morale and readiness and is determined to assist Soldiers in their professional development by providing sound advice and clarification of ongoing policies, regulations, and procedures.

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  • Peter


    I am currently on assignment to ft bliss, I have been in USAREC for 5 years and am currently trying to convert to 79R the process was started before I was put on assignment, I had placed a 4187 for conversion and high school stabilization for my two children who will graduate in the next two years. It was stopped when I was notified of the assignment and the high school stabilization was denied by HRC after being sent to them before my notification. I then sent up a 4187 for deletion and then a deferment as I have a house to sell, a wife that is efmp And four children to move. Is there a way to get it approved by HRC or rebutted their decision so I can make the best choice for my family and the army. Any advice or guidance would be appreciated as my s1 and CoC are trying to assist but can not get any real answers. I have been told the same stuff, talk to branch then branch says talk to s1 or HRC And they say talk to branch I need real help as this is causing a real quandary for me and my family. Thank you

    • Mark Gerecht


      I apologize for the delay. I wanted to check with my 79R SME who is a SGM. I will also answer this based on my experience as an assignment manager. Basically it is not good news. With regard to the house it is not something branch will typically consider but they may consider it for a 30-90 day deferment. Your branch manager should be able to do this without a problem as long as the assignment you are on is not a high priority fill. If you are an SFC the conversion will likely be disapproved as USAREC is currently at 103%. If you are a SSG and are picked up as a 79R USAREC could still reassign you based on their needs once you are approved as a 79R.

      You are in a catch 22 as everyone seems to be bouncing you back and forth. You might consider reaching out to your USAREC SGM/CSM to see if they can provide assistance. You would want to let your chain of command know you are doing this before you pull the trigger. The other option is to contact the 79R Branch SGM and your current Branch SGM and ask them for assistance. Each branch has a SGM assigned to manage that career field.

      I know these are not the answers you were looking for but hopefully I have provided you some information that will be useful.

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  • YS


    I need my orders to be Deleted due to a dependent child life threatening medical condition, and due to Covid 19 he is at high risk as well, he recent has a mental crisis and depression requiring Stabilization and continuation of treatment might take longer than 1 year. Branch Manager told me to fill a 4187. My question is: Should I apply for a 3739 Compassionate reassignment as well as the 4187 or should apply for a 4 year Stabilization at my current duty station? How long does a 3739 grant? I will like for my son to have the 4 year Stabilization but I don’t know which are the requirements to obtain it.

    • Mark Gerecht


      This response if provided based on the information you shared. You should not make decisions based off of this information but use it to conduct your own research.
      YS, I served as a Branch Manager so I am very familiar with the process. The key is to speak with your branch manager and ask which option has the better chance of success. Keep in mind if you have come up on orders it means you are in the sequence to rotate. If you are deleted from these orders you could very easily come up on orders again in 6-12 months or even sooner.
      Now to your specific question. If there is a true medical issue that can be resolved in less than one year you can put in for a compassionate but to make your case and improve your chances of success you will need to have letters from doctors and lay persons (family members, pastor, friends, caregivers, etc.) as to why it is critically important that you be deleted from orders. If the medical condition will take more than a year to resolve it is not normally considered a case for a compassionate. Not sure why you would be requesting a stabilization that is usually for something like a high school senior or special duty assignment. If the assignment you have received is not a bad a assignment and medical care for your child is available at the new location you might want to consider taking this assignment as you don’t know what the next one will be if you are deleted from this assignment. Finally, you might want to consider working a deal with your branch manager something like you go on a short tour now with a guaranteed return assignment to your current location. This way your child has medical access, stabilization at your current location and upon return from the short tour you should have a 2-3 stabilization. It’s a win win as the Army gets to move you and you get to keep your child at the same location…and return back to the same location with stabilization. I know a short tour is not the greatest choice but it is an option. You could see if a special duty assignment is available at your current installation like and Equal Opportunity Advisor. You could attend training return to your current location and be stabilized for 3 years (chances are small but it’s worth discussing). Make your branch manager your friend. Show them you are willing to work with them and that you are not just trying to get out of an assignment. When they know you are not just trying to get out of orders they are more likely to work with you because that opens up other opportunities. Also keep in mind sometimes their hands are tied as some assignment are high priority and difficult to be deleted from. Hope this Helps.

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  • SPC G


    I arrived in Korea without dependents, few weeks later my command sponsorship was approved. That automatically extended my time here to 2 years. I recently check my orders and it stated that I had a new assignment back in the states. ON my ERB its has my next duty station projected for this year, but my DEROS on the ERB is for next year. Could I still leave this year since they made that error. I wouldn’t mind being stateside. My company is tracking that my DEROS is not until next year, & I spoke to my branch manager about this, but she never fixed it. Despite the times I called.

    • Mark Gerecht


      SPC G., Generally in situations like this it is considered a technical error and you will be required to remain in Korea based on your original orders.

  • concerned wife


    Hi, my husband has unaccompanied orders to South Korea. He’s been in 10 years, been through multiple combat deployments and never been in trouble. However, he’s an alcoholic and just successfully completed the militaries 30 day in-patient (highest level) substance abuse program. He has a continuing care plan to stay in this program as an outpatient for another year. He was told that the medical facilities in SK can accommodate this but anyone who has been stationed there knows this is the worse assignment to get for a recovering alcoholic, especially when unaccompanied. DUI rates are one of the highest in the Army in SK, no AA meeting sites (that he’s usually attends several times/week). The environment will only compromise his sobriety which compromises his health, mentally & physically, and also his career. The plan is to get a memo from his provider stating this but have been told that its ultimately up to HRC. Have you seen orders get deleted in his type of situation or can estimate probability? Any advice would be appreciated, TY!!

  • Sgt M


    So I did a operational deletion of my assignment because my unit needed me due to sort numbers and ncos. So the deletion happens it goes all the way to my division. Turns out the orders to deploy have been cut. Is there anyway possible to get back on my assignment or perhaps choose another.

  • Akeena e


    My husband is a cook in Korea and he just received orders to fort Polk. Is there anyway to have his orders changed? He doesn’t come back for another 5 months.

  • Brandon


    In August 2015 I reenlisted to go to germany in may 2016. Those orders ended up disappearing somehow and now I have orders to go in march of 2017, and I have a dependent and my ets date is august 2019 is there any way I can get out of those orders since I was the one that reenlisted for them for a sooner date rather than the date on the orders

  • Sgt G


    I recently got dropped from the q course at Fort bragg. I called hrc to get on assignment to stay here. They said I’ve been here too long and it’s not good for career progression. They have me 3 options, hood, bliss or wainright. I spoke with my old company 1sg and csm, they spoke to hrc rep and told him they had a spot for me, I’d get the position I needed for career progression and soon after get promoted. Hrc rep said they’d look into it but nothing is for sure.
    Yesterday I spoke the hr rep at swc, she told me there were plenty of positions open at bragg and other airborne assignments, and that I’m already pending orders to fort riley kansas.
    So knowing I couldn’t stay at bragg I wanted to ask for fort hood, but now I’m guessing it’s too late? Is there anything I can do?

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