Tag Counseling | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about Counseling

Can I be counseled by my commander if he was not even present at the event that took place?

If an event took place with a Soldier between an NCO or Officer, should that NCO or Officer counsel you? Or does your commander have the right to counsel you on the event that happened although they weren't there to witness the incident themselves? And if you are counseled, how long after the event take place do you have to counsel that soldier? Also where can I find that regulation?.. Read the Answer»

What evaluation form should I use to counsel an E-4?

Do you have a sample of a E4 Eval Counseling Form. So when the Eval are due there is no surprise to the E4 Something like a NCO support Form.. Read the Answer»

Can someone of the same rank counsel me?

Can an NCO counsel another NCO of the same rank? Can an E6 give a counseling statement to another E6? I work with some Soldiers who think that they can do such a thing. I dont think they can because they are the same rank. If another E5 tried to counsel me, I'd likely take the counseling statement and rip it up and tell him to shove it. What is the Army reg on counselings? .. Read the Answer»

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Can I be counseled using email?

Can I be counseled by email?.. Read the Answer»

Should the DA FORM 4856 be used when counseling Officers?

Do Officers use DA Form 4856 for corrective counseling to their subordinate Officers?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Platoon Sergeant counsel his/her Platoon Leader?

Can I counsel my Platoon Leader? How do I contest my NCOER from him? This LT is like a Private, he fails to listen to orders and does his own thing. I know he's going to give me a poor rating... Read the Answer»

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Where can I find more information on leadership counseling?

I am a new leader, and I want to find out information on counseling. I heard you were the "go-to guy" on such topics. What's the scoop?.. Read the Answer»

My leader is going to counsel me for something I did not do- What can I do about it?

My NCO is going to give me a 4856 for being formation but i was not late and he still insist that i was late? What can I do?.. Read the Answer»

DA Form 4856-E Developmental Counseling Form – (Historical Copy) – Filled Out as an Initial Overweight Counseling

This is an example of a DA Form 4856-E Developmental Counseling Form as an Initial Overweight Counseling. It can be used as an example of an initial overweight counseling on a DA Form 4856-E if you need to write one. For Example …Read More

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Example Initial Counseling for a First Sergeant Memorandum

This is an example of a Sample Initial Counseling for a First Sergeant Memorandum. It can be used as an example of an Initial Counseling for a First Sergeant Memo if you ever need to write one. Its purpose is to …Read More

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Example Initial Counseling for a First Sergeant Memorandum

This is an example Initial Counseling for a First Sergeant Memorandum. It can be used as an example of an Initial Counseling for a First Sergeant Memo if you ever need to write one. It covers general expectations for the First …Read More

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Example Separation Counseling Memorandum

This is an example of a Separation Counseling Memorandum. It can be used as an example of a Separation Counseling Memo if you ever need to write one. The officer was counseled on the following points: Opportunities available in a military …Read More

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