This is an example of an Initial Counseling for a First Sergeant Memorandum of a Signal Company. It can be used as an example of how to write an initial counseling memo for a First Sergeant explaining his/her expected duties …Read More
Here is a list of everything we have published about Counseling
This is an example of an Initial Counseling for a First Sergeant Memorandum of a Signal Company. It can be used as an example of how to write an initial counseling memo for a First Sergeant explaining his/her expected duties …Read More
This is an example of an Initial Counseling for a First Sergeant Memorandum . It can be used as an example of how to write an initial counseling memo for a First Sergeant explaining his/her duties and responsibilities. The purpose of …Read More
This is an example of a First Sergeant Duties and Responsibilities Memorandum. It can be used as an example of how to write an initial counseling memo for a First Sergeant explaining his/her duties and responsibilities. This memorandum provides specific …Read More
This is a Performance Evaluation and Counseling Handbook. It contains a fitness report responsibility matrix and a set of fitness report block-by-block instructions. It also has Fitness Report Personal Input Examples, and a Fitness Report Bullet Guide which covers (Favorable …Read More
This is a counseling standard operating procedure memorandum. It can be used as an example of how to write a counseling standard operating procedure memorandum. The memorandum also contains references, responsibilities, policy, and procedures. NOTES: Some references listed in this …Read More
This is a Counseling and Rehabilitation Legal SOP. General – Counseling is a Commander’s function (AR 600-20) and is one of the principal tools of leadership. Commanders and supervisors are responsible for counseling subordinates on a continuing basis concerning performance …Read More
This class/briefing is designed to aid in teaching enlisted promotions semi-centralized procedural guidance. It starts off with a list of reference material needed to complete the procedure. Then it covers the eligibility criteria for recommendation by presenting an image of AR …Read More
This is a class/briefing that teaches keys to writing a noncomissioned officer evaluation report. This class provides notes which pertain to each slide to help the instructor of the class as the slides are presented to the students. The Table of …Read More
What are the requirements, if any, to have a third person present when conducting counseling behind closed doors with a Soldier of the opposite sex?.. Read the Answer»
I recently received a counseling statement that was written by my OIC, but the counseling was given to me by my NCOIC. Is this within regulation?.. Read the Answer»
How long can I take to decide if I will sign a counseling statement?.. Read the Answer»
I recently received a counseling statement that I disagreed with. I was told that I could only disagree if there was an administrative error. Is that true?.. Read the Answer»