How Many Points Do I Need to Obtain My 20 Year Letter and Where Can I Find My Point Totals. | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

How Many Points Do I Need to Obtain My 20 Year Letter and Where Can I Find My Point Totals.

I need to know how many retirement point I have and how many points I need to receive my 20 year letter?

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Short Answer

Based on our understanding you need approximately 3500 points to obtain a 20 year letter.  See attached documentation.


Finding Your Points

Where can I get a copy of my Form 249-E that shows all of my retirement points.



In order to receive a 20 year letter (which implies you want to know when you have a vested retirement with the Guard or Reserve), an Army Reserve or National Guard soldier needs 20 good years of service.   The can be a combination of Active Duty, Guard and Reserve time.

A “good year” is considered to be a minimum of 50 points during a given year.  Or,  a “good year” is one year on active duty.

A drilling Reserve or National Guard Soldier can earn 78 points a year if he or she attends all drills and Annual Training. If the Soldier was on active duty for several years before transferring to the Guard for Reserve, each day on Active Duty counts as one point.  You can ask your Unit Administrator about your points and go on-line to check your points.

I have attached a couple of documents that may help in with your understanding of “good years” and “retirement points”.


Thank you for your service.


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Special Thanks to Our SME

Special Thanks to CSM(R) John Perry for helping us answer this question


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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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