Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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Can a Soldier be recommended/approved for awards while flagged for APFT failure? Updated As of 11-15-2019

I have a Soldier who is flagged for failing the APFT. The commander will not sign it because he states he is not eligible for an award. Is this correct?.. Read the Answer»

Do DoN or Marine Corps awards qualify for Army promotion points?

I earned numerous awards and decorations during my prior service with the Marine Corps. Will those points qualify for Army promotion points?.. Read the Answer»

Will I get promotion points for each of my Driver badges?

AR 600-8-19, chapter 3, Para 3-43, states that Soldiers earn a maximum of five points for Driver or Mechanic Badge. It will be changed to 10 points on 1 June 2011. Will Soldiers who have multiple Driver and Mechanic Badges be able to get points for more than one?.. Read the Answer»

Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS

Do I have to counsel when a Soldier declines promotion?

One of my Soldiers just declined promotion. I don't know how to handle this. Do I have to counsel him?.. Read the Answer»

Can my old unit forward counselings to my new unit?

Can my old unit forward counselings to my new unit?.. Read the Answer»

I am being audited but cannot find one of my awards. What should I do? What will happen?

I seemed to have lost one of my awards. Is there any way to get a copy of it? What will happen to my points when I am audited?.. Read the Answer»

Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Why is the total for Military Training only 255 when you can actually get 260?

Military Training; Okay...maybe I'm just bad at math, but the Military Training section seems like it's not adding up right. For Staff Sergeants, Section 1 has a maximum of 255 points with 60 points for Combat Experience, 100 points for Weapons Qualification, and 100 Points for Physical Training. Am I missing something?.. Read the Answer»

How many promotion points are needed to compete for E-5 and for E-6?

Under the new promotion system, what is the minimum promotion point to compete for E-5 and for E-6?.. Read the Answer»

How many points can a Soldier can earn for correspondence courses?

Is there a max number of points a Soldier can earn for ACCP?.. Read the Answer»

Are Army Correspondence Courses still eligible for promotion points?

I have over 1,000 hours of Army Correspondence Courses. Will they still count under the new system?.. Read the Answer»

How will the Promotion Point Worksheet calculate APFT scores for permanent profiles?

I have a permanent profile. Since the APFT data will be pulled from eMILPO, how will the PPW know to recalculate scores for those with permanent profiles?.. Read the Answer»

Will promotion audits still exist under the new system?

I want to make sure I am ready in case I get audited. Will I still get audited and if so, what should I do to prepare myself?.. Read the Answer»