Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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Can my squad leader give me a backdated counseling statement?

My squad leader just gave me a counseling statement for something that happened three weeks ago. The counseling was dated as if it occurred on the day of the incident. Can he do that?.. Read the Answer»

What do I do when a Soldier checks the disagree box on a counseling?

What is the course of action when a soldier checks "Disagree with the information above" in the "Session Closing" box and does not write why? Also, is the "Plan of Action" box still valid and the written action enforceable?.. Read the Answer»

Is it necessary to document verbal counseling?

Is it necessary to document verbal counseling?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Is verbal counseling a type of counseling?

Is verbal counseling a type of counseling and what do I do after I verbally counsel a Soldier?.. Read the Answer»

Can a leader backdate a counseling statement?

My squad leader is trying to backdate my monthly counseling statement. Can he do that?.. Read the Answer»

Who is affected by the new semi-centralized promotions system?

I am a SPC(P) and would like to know how the Army is changing the Semi-Centralized Promotions System. How am I affected? Will I have to get re-boarded?.. Read the Answer»

Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

How do I get promotion points for items that are missing from my records?

I have some items that would count for promotion points that aren't currently in my record, what should I do?.. Read the Answer»

How can I help my unit transition to the new promotions system?

I'm a Senior NCO who currently has no promotable Soldiers. Is there anything I should be doing to help my unit transition smoothly into the new Semi-Centralized Promotions System?.. Read the Answer»

Will I lose points under the new Semi-Centralized Promotions System?

It appears that I may lose a lot of my current points because many courses, awards, etc., will no longer be eligible under the new Semi-Centralized Promotions System. Is this a true statement?.. Read the Answer»

Will NCOES waivers still be authorized under the new promotion system?

I'm currently deployed, will I still be able to get an NCOES waiver under the new system? How do I go about requesting a waiver like this?.. Read the Answer»

Will promotion cut-off scores still be released every month or is that going to change?

Will I have to wait longer for cut-off scores to be released or will they be released every month as they are now?.. Read the Answer»

I am already promotable and need to add points, what do I do?

I recently went to the board and now need to add points. What are the procedures? I've already been integrated onto the Promotion Standing list and my current points are reflecting on my ERB but I need to add more... Read the Answer»