Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our answered Army leadership Questions. If you have a question that is not listed, fill in the form to the right and AskTOP!

How much time can a Soldier take before signing a counseling statement?

How long can I take to decide if I will sign a counseling statement?.. Read the Answer»

Can overweight Soldiers receive awards?

Can a Soldier receive an award if he is flagged for overweight?.. Read the Answer»

What is the acceptable time limit for “temporary profiles?”

I have a new Soldier who showed up to the unit with a temporary profile that he has had for around thirteen months. I know that temporary means that an expiration date is involved, and thirteen months sounds a little excessive. Is this within regulation?.. Read the Answer»

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Is DA Form 638 a valid source document for updating my ERB?

What documents (besides the DD 214) can be considered supporting documents? I am trying to update my ERB, but my HR NCO is insisting that a DA 638 (for an AAM) with the order #, and all of the signature blocks signed is not considered a supporting document, and that I have to have the actual certificate for the award to be added on my ERB. I know this is not true, but I'm having trouble finding proof that the signed 638 will suffice... Read the Answer»

Can my Commander give us an APFT test every quarter?

Our commander is giving our unit a PT Test every quarter. Is this acceptable?.. Read the Answer»

What does it mean when a Soldier marks “Disagree” on a counseling statement?

I recently received a counseling statement that I disagreed with. I was told that I could only disagree if there was an administrative error. Is that true?.. Read the Answer»

Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

How can I request for a code to be created so a course can be entered on my ERB?

I attended a course that is listed in ATRRS, however my BN S1 says there is no course code for it. Without a course code, it cannot be entered onto my ERB. Is there a way to request that a code be created?.. Read the Answer»

Is counseling given by an officer who has PCS’d still valid?

I have an officer who counseled me on a specific issue almost three months ago. He has since PCS'd. Now my unit commander is trying to use that counseling statement against me. Can he do that?.. Read the Answer»

Can my rater make me write my own evaluation report?

Should I have to write my own evaluation report?.. Read the Answer»

How long can Soldiers keep their Promotable status?

How long does a Soldier keep their promotable status before it expires?.. Read the Answer»

Do I have to reboard because my unit failed to update my APFT record?

I have a question, I have just found out that I lost my promotable status because my unit did not update my APFT records when I took a PT test for ALC. Do I have to be re-boarded or is there a way to fix it? Thanks in advance... Read the Answer»

Can they stop my leave because I am pending UCMJ?

I am being recommended for a company grade Article 15 because I missed an appointment. I missed that appointment because i was escorting a Soldier. I feel this is a severe punishment. The last time I was counseled was May 2010. I have not been counseled monthly or annually. They also informed me that my packet was lost and I needed to resign the counseling form. They cannot backdate a counseling, am I correct? It of course is block leave for Christmas and I was told today that my leave had been pulled because I am flagged pending UCMJ action. Are they allowed to do that?.. Read the Answer»