Category Army Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Army Regulations

AR 385-63 Range Safety

This regulation/order prescribes Headquarters, Department of the Army, and U.S. Marine Corps range safety policies and responsibilities for firing ammunition, lasers, guided missiles, and rockets and provides guidance for the application of risk management in range operations. For Army and …Read More

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AR 385-10 The Army Safety Program

This is a two part regulation, Part one concerns Army Safety Program Management Functions by addressing general Army Safety Program management functions necessary for sustaining all phases and operations of the Army whether at the garrison, during contingency operations or …Read More

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

AR 381-45 Investigative Records Repository

This regulation outlines the responsibilities for operation of the Investigative Records Repository and identifies the categories of materials authorized for IRR custody. It provides policies and procedures for the storage, maintenance, transmission, review, and systematic reduction of those records; establishes …Read More

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

AR 381-12 Threat Awareness and Reporting Program

This regulation establishes policy, responsibilities, and procedures for the Army’s Threat Awareness and Reporting Program. This regulation includes a specific definition of the threat based on the activities of foreign intelligence, foreign adversaries, international terrorist organizations, extremists, and behaviors that …Read More

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AR 381-11 Intelligence Support to Capability Development

This regulation on intelligence support to capability development, provides policies, responsibilities, and procedures to ensure that threat considerations are incorporated into the Defense acquisition process and the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System where the Army is the lead or …Read More

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AR 381-10 U.S. Army Intelligence Activities

This regulation implements policy between the Department of Justice and intelligence community members on crimes reporting; and Department of Defense Directive, Department of Defense Publication, and Department of Defense Instruction. It establishes responsibility for intelligence activities concerning U. S. persons, …Read More

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AR 380-86 Classification of Former Chemical Warfare, Chemical and Biological Defense, and Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Contamination Survivability Information

This regulation: a. Provides guidance for classification of U.S. Army former chemical warfare materiel, chemical and biological defense, and nuclear, biological, and chemical contamination survivability information. b. Concerns research, development, testing, and evaluation, and the procurement of chemical and biological …Read More

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AR 380-67 Personnel Security Program

This regulation implements the DOD and Department of the Army Personnel Security Program and takes precedence over all other departmental issuances affecting these programs. It contains the policies and procedures for access to classified information and assignment in a sensitive …Read More

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