Category Army Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Army Regulations

AR 40-10 Health Hazard Assessment Program in Support of the Army Acquisition Process

This regulation implements the Army Health Hazard Assessment Program. It prescribes specific HHA responsibilities for the acquisition and U.S. Army Medical Department communities in support of the Army acquisition process. It describes the HHA Program as an integrated effort throughout …Read More

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This regulation— a. Prescribes the composition, mission, and functions of the Army Medical Department. b. Provides general information regarding the AMEDD, each AMEDD Corp, and civilian personnel employed by the department.

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AR 405-90 Disposal of Real Estate

This regulation sets forth authorities, responsibilities, policies, and procedures for the disposal of military and industrial real estate under the custody and control of the Department of the Army worldwide. Chapters 1 through 6 apply to Army military and industrial …Read More

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

AR 405-80 Management of Title and Granting Use of Real Property

This regulation states the policy on management of title, unauthorized use, and granting use of Army controlled real property. It consolidates and delegates authority to issue, execute, manage, renew, supplement or revoke outgrants authorizing the use of Army real property …Read More

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AR 405-70 Utilization of Real Property

This regulation establishes planning and management procedures to ensure efficient use of Army real property. It covers preparing and maintaining annual reports for the use of land, facilities, and space, and it prescribes periodic installation surveys. It also describes changes …Read More

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AR 405-45 Real Property Inventory Management

This regulation and Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA Pam) 405–45 set forth the requirements, authority, policy, and responsibility for the accountability and management of all real property and interest therein. The real property inventory is a basic source of …Read More

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Army Uniform Tool
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

AR 405-30 Mineral Exploration and Extraction

This regulation assigns responsibilities and sets policies and procedures for mineral exploration and extraction on Army controlled lands.

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AR 405-25 Annexation

This regulation sets forth the fundamental legal philosophy, basic policies, procedures, and responsibilities attributable to those situations where a political subdivision of a State seeks to alter its existing boundaries in a manner which would result in the inclusion therein …Read More

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AR 405-20 Federal Legislative Jurisdiction

This regulation sets forth definitions, basic characteristics of Federal legislative jurisdiction and the policies, procedures, and responsibilities relating to the acquisition and retrocession of such jurisdiction over land areas within the United States that are under the control of the …Read More

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AR 405-16 Homeowners Assistance Program

This regulation provides policies and procedures for the administration and execution of the Homeowners Assistance Program, delegates authority, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for executing the Homeowners Assistance Program. Applicability: This regulation does not apply to the Army National Guard …Read More

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AR 405-15 Real Estate Claims Founded Upon Contract

This regulation provides guidance in investigating and processing contractual claims involving real estate which are to be settled and adjusted by the General Accounting Office according to the authority in this regulation. All claims and demands whatever by the Government …Read More

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AR 405-10 Acquisition of Real Property and Interests Therein

This regulation sets forth the authority, policy, responsibility, and procedures for the acquisition of real property and interests therein, for military purposes by the Department of the Army. This regulation does not apply to Civil Works Projects, which are under …Read More

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