Category Army Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Army Regulations

AR 360-1 The Army Public Affairs Program

This regulation establishes policies and procedures for conducting Army public affairs programs. Public affairs is a command responsibility. Due to the sensitivity and time criticality of incidents and issues with PA implications, public affairs officers require direct access to the …Read More

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AR 351-9 Interservice Training

This regulation sets the policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the review of education and training activities in orders to improve their effectiveness and efficiency; the development and conduct of interservice training and nonresident courses; and the exchange and development of …Read More

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AR 351-4 The Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management

This regulation defines and its mission, the responsibilities, the funding, and the training requirements and student selection for the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management. The mission is as follows: 1. Conducts training courses which prepare both US and foreign …Read More

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

AR 351-3 Professional Education and Training Programs of the Army Medical Department

This regulation establishes policy procedures for advanced education obtained at Federal and non-Federal institutions. It sets forth standards and requirements for the following non-exclusive subject areas: a. Formal education and training of U.S. Army Medical Department personnel. b. Continuing health …Read More

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This regulation sets forth eligibility requirements for colonels and brigadier generals to attend Advanced Management Training courses at civilian schools. It also prescribes procedures for the selection and utilization of these officers. Historical Copy.

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This regulation prescribes the general method for support of the US Military Academy and US Military Preparatory School admissions program by elements of the US Army.  The mission of the United States Military Academy is to educate, train, and motivate …Read More

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Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

AR 350-9 Overseas Deployment Training

This regulation prescribes policy, procedures, and responsibilities to train Reserve Component units based in the continental United States, and U.S. territories or possessions in a training status. RC units execute overseas deployment training primarily to improve their mission readiness; however, …Read More

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AR 350-66 Small Arms Competitive Marksmanship

This regulation provides the policy and procedures for participating in Army-wide small arms marksmanship competitions, and it discusses the scoring and award of credit points for Excellence in Competition Badges and Distinguished Designation Badges and the award of Distinguished Designation.

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AR 350-58 Joint United States (US) Air Force, US Army, US Navy, and US Marine Corps Air Combat Training

This regulation prescribes the joint policies and responsibilities of the US Air Force, US Army, US Navy, and US Marine Corps joint services air combat training. This instruction authorizes joint service ACT and reflects the appropriate coordination of each service …Read More

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AR 350-51 United States Army Officer Candidate School

This regulation prescribes eligibility requirements and procedures for processing applications of Active Army personnel for Officer Candidate School and for Army Band Officer Candidate School. It provides general guidance on mobilization policies and procedures, and includes testing criteria for all …Read More

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AR 350-50 Combat Training Center Program

This regulation describes the objectives, organizations, and concept of operations for the Army-wide Combat Training Center Program. It also designates the CTC Program Director with program execution authority. It prescribes CTC Program responsibilities, policies, and planning and programming guidance for …Read More

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AR 350-38 Training Device Policies and Management

This regulation establishes Army policy and responsibilities for life cycle management of the following areas, only as they pertain to training: training aids, devices, simulators, and simulations, including tactical engagement simulations, targets, targetry, combat training center and range instrumentation, and …Read More

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