Category Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


ER 1110-2-1302 Civil Works Cost Engineering ENG 1738-R ENG 1739-R, ENG 1740-R ENG 1741-R ENG 1741A-R ENG 1741B ENG 1741C-R

Purpose: This engineer regulation (ER) provides policy, guidance, and procedures for cost engineering responsibilities for all civil works (CW) projects assigned to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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ER 1110-2-1156 Engineering and Design Safety of Dams – Policy and Procedures

Purpose: This regulation prescribes the guiding principles, policy, organization, responsibilities, and procedures for implementation of risk-informed dam safety program activities and a dam safety portfolio risk management process within the United States Army, Corps of Engineers (USACE). Risk is defined …Read More

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ER 1110-2-1155 Dam Safety Assurance Program

Purpose: This regulation provides guidance and procedures for the investigation and justification of modifications for dam safety assurance at completed Corps of Engineers projects, under the authority of Section 1203 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (P.L.99-662).

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

ER 1110-2-1150 Engineering and Design for Civil Works Projects

Purpose: This regulation defines engineering responsibilities, requirements, and procedures during the planning, design, construction, and operations phases of civil works projects. The regulation provides guidance for developing and documenting quality engineering analyses and designs for projects and products on time …Read More

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ER 1110-2-112 Required Visits to Construction Sites By Design Personnel

Purpose: The purpose of this regulation is to require periodic and timely visits to construction sites by Corps of Engineers design and design review personnel.

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ER 1110-2-111 UASCE Bridge Safety Program with Errata Sheet 1

Purpose: This regulation defines the policy and prescribes procedures and responsibilities for the periodic inspection and evaluation of bridges owned or maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on civil works projects.

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

ER 1110-2-110 Instrumentation for Safety – Evaluations of Civil Works Projects

Purpose: This regulation provides policy guidance for the planning, installation and maintenance of instrumentation programs as well as the analyzing and reporting of instrumentation data to insure timely evaluation of the safety of each structure of a civil works project.

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ER 1110-2-109 Hydroelectric Design Center

Purpose: This regulation designates the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District, Portland, Hydroelectric Design Center (HDC), as the Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) for hydroelectric power engineering and design and a Directory of Expertise (DX) for flood control pumping plant …Read More

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ER 1110-2-103 Strong Motion Instrument for Recording Earthquake Motions on Dams

Purpose: This regulation provides requirements and guidance for installation and servicing of strong-motion instruments for recording earthquake motions on Corps of Engineers (CE) dams.

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ER 1110-2-101 Reporting of Evidence of Distress of Civil Works Structures RCS Exempt AR 335-15 Paragraph 5-2e 8

Purpose: This regulation prescribes the responsibilities and procedures for the immediate notification to higher authority of evidence of distress or potential failure of civil works projects.  These procedures apply to projects under construction or in operation.

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ER 1110-2-100 Periodic Inspection and Continuing Evaluation of Completed Civil Works Structures

Purpose: This regulation provides the policy, defines the objectives and responsibilities, and establishes the procedures by which the Corps of Engineers assures the safety, continuing structural integrity, and operational adequacy of its major Civil Works projects.

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ER 1110-2-1 Provisions for Future Hydropower Installation at Corps of Engineers Projects

Purpose: This regulation prescribes procedures for obtaining the Secretary of the Army’s approval to provide minimum facilities for future hydroelectric power development at Corps projects.

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