Category Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


ER 1110-2-241 Use of Storage Allocated for Flood Control and Navigation at Non-Corps Projects

Purpose: This regulation prescribes the responsibilities and general procedures for regulating reservoir projects for flood control or navigation and the use of storage allocated for such purpose.  Excepted projects are those owned and operated by the Corps of Engineers; the …Read More

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ER 1110-2-240 Water Control Management Ch 1 30 Apr 87 Ch 2 1 Mar 94

Purpose: This regulation prescribes policies and procedures to be followed by the US Army Corps of Engineers in carrying out water control management activities, including establishment of water control plans for Corps and non-Corps projects, as required by Federal laws …Read More

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ER 1110-2-1942 Inspection, Monitoring and Maintenance of Relief Wells

Purpose: This regulation provides policy guidance for scheduled monitoring, inspection, evaluation, maintenance and rehabilitation of relief wells at civil works projects.

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ER 1110-2-1941 Drought Contingency Plans

Purpose: This regulation provides policy and guidance for the preparation of drought contingency plans as part of the Corps of Engineers overall water control management activities.

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ER 1110-2-1925 Field Control Data for Earth and Rockfill Dams RCS ENG CW-E-11 R1 CH 1-2

Purpose: This regulation prescribes responsibilities and procedures for reporting field control data for earth and rockfill dams.

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ER 1110-2-1806 Earthquake Design and Evaluation of Civil Works Projects

Purpose: This regulation provides guidance and direction for the seismic design and evaluation for all civil works projects.

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ER 1110-2-1802 Reporting Earthquake Effects

Purpose: This regulation states policy, defines objectives, assigns functions, and establishes procedures for assuring the structural integrity and operational adequacy of major Civil Works structures following the occurrence of significant earthquakes. It primarily concerns damage surveys following the occurrences of …Read More

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ER 1110-2-1464 Hydrologic Analysis of Watershed Runoff

Purpose: This regulation defines the scope, authorities, and analysis and reporting requirements for performing watershed-runoff analyses associated with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers studies. Detailed guidance on study methods and procedures is given in EM 1110-2-1417.

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ER 1110-2-1463 Hydrologic Engineering for Hydropower

Purpose: This regulation defines the scope, authorities, and requirements for hydrologic engineering studies performed in support of hydropower studies for both conventional and pumped-storage hydroelectric projects.

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ER 1110-2-1462 Water Quality and Water Control Considerations for Non-Federal Hydropower Development at Corps of Engineers Projects

Purpose: This regulation provides policy and guidance for incorporation of Corps water quality and water control management responsibilities and considerations into the review of preliminary permit and license applications, operating agreements and other official contacts concerning non-federal hydropower development either …Read More

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ER 1110-2-1460 Hydrologic Engineering Management

Purpose: This regulation defines the scope, authorities, and management requirements for hydrologic engineering activities within the Corps of Engineers.

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ER 1110-2-1458 Hydraulic Design of Shallow Draft Navigation Projects

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes the policy and design procedure for development of a new or replacement of an existing shallow draft navigation project.  Shallow draft navigation refers to commercial barge traffic.  Detailed design guidance is contained in the references listed …Read More

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