Category Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


ER 1-2-2 Water Resources Policies and Authorities Substantive Congressional Contacts RCS CECW P 21

Purpose: The purpose of this regulation is to prescribe requirements and give instructions for coordinating and reporting substantive Congressional contacts and other Federal agency contacts at the Washington, D.C. level. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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ER 1-1-25 Command Visits

Purpose and Scope:  This regulation establishes the Commander’s program for HQUSACE command visits to Engineer divisions, states policies relating to all command and staff visits, and assigns responsibilities for implementation.  This program replaces the former “Command Inspection” program.

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ER 1- 1 -11 Progress Schedules and Network Analysis Systems

Purpose: This regulation states the policy on the use of any of the various schedule management methods.  The basic regulation provides general policy relative to the use of the various systems (bar charts, network analysis, etc.) as well as administration …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

E R 70-1-5 Corps of Engineers Research and Development Program

Purpose: This regulation prescribes USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) policy and delegates the authority for managing and executing the USACE Military, Civil Works and Mission Support Research and Development (R&D) programs.

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