Category Classess/Briefings | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Antropine Injectors Class/Briefing

Class/briefing on Self and Buddy Aid for nerve agent poisoning. 18 Slides. Slides include information on: Holding the Mark1, hand position, injection position, injection sites, where to put used injectors. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 42 Slides on Anti-terrorism Force Protection. Topics include: individual protective measures, routines, low profile, security, unexpected events, family protection, consideration for children, travel security. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Anti-Armor Class/Briefing

A class/briefing discussing Anti-Armor capabilities. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Anthrax Class/Briefing

Class/briefing on Anthrax. Slides include: Definition, why is it a current issue, how common is it, who can get it, how transmitted, symptoms, where usually found, spread person to person, prevention, vaccine, reactions to vaccine, diagnosed, treatment, sources of information. …Read More

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Anthrax Class/Briefing

Class/briefing on Anthrax. Slides include: Definition, why is it a current issue, how common is it, who can get it, how transmitted, symptoms, where usually found, spread person to person, prevention, vaccine, reactions to vaccine, diagnosed, treatment, sources of information. …Read More

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Alert Driving Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 28 Slides that discuss how to remain alert while driving. Topics include: be ready to drive, be alert, alcohol and driving, other drugs, illness, vision, and hearing. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Alcohol Awareness Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that covers alcohol abuse and how to recognize it. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Airway Management Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 14 Slides and covers how to establish and improve airway. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Aircraft Identification Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that covers 10 soviet aircraft and how to identify them. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Air Ground Integration Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 17 Slides and covers the Air ground integration and how to properly implement it. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Air Assualt Operations Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 28 Slides that discuss Air Assault Operations. Topics include: Air Assault Tenets, Air Movement Tenets, Definitions, 5 stages, ground tactical plan, landing plan, situational awareness, air movement plan, flight route, loading plan, bump plan, staging plan. NOTE: …Read More

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Air Assault Air Movement Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 19 Slides and covers the air assault and air movement process. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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