Category Classess/Briefings | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Basic Awards Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that covers the basics of awards: decoration, good conduct, service medals, service ribbons, badges, tabs, certificates, letters, appurtenance. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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Balancing Email Mangement Class/Briefing

A class/briefing on how to use email successfully in the workplace. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Back Safety and Lifting Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 43 Slides that discuss how to proper lifting methods. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

Award Writing Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that covers guidelines, preparing an award, drafting an award, going final, completing the personal data sheet. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Award Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that covers: References, Why do awards, types of awards, suspense, justification, guidelines, words/phrases, adjectives, synonyms, verbs. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Assingment Satisfaction Key Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that covers assignment satisfaction key (ASK) and Soldier Satisfaction Module (SAM). Its purpose is to provide information on the process to update assignment preferences via the assignment satisfaction key. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Assault an Enemy Position Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 23 Slides on Assaulting an Enemy Position Topics include: Task, Condition, Standard, receive order, tactical movement, occupy position, final preparation, execute assault, occupy defensible positions, send spot report, consolidate. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Asian-American Experience Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that covers the Asian-Americans experience thru history in America. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Art of Military Operations Class/Briefing

An in depth class/briefing of the art of military science and how strategy, operations, and tactics work together. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Army Writing Program Class/Briefing

A class/briefing that is intended to explain the importance of effective communication and to review the use of army forms and formats. NOTES: Some references listed in this doc might have been superseded and/or updated and should be checked for …Read More

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Army Values Class/Briefing

A class/briefing that reviews the individual Army Values of: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Army Records Information Management System Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that provides an overview of the ARIMS system. It covers the purpose and application. It covers disposition instructions codes used in ARIMS including code K, code KE, code KN, code KEN, code T, code TE, code TP and code …Read More

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