Category Classess/Briefings | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Creating an Organization Chart Class

A blank sample of a complex organizational chart with instructions for using the sample.  Also has instruction for creating an organization chart from scratch. Can be used as a basis for a class on creating organizational chart. NOTE: This document is in …Read More

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Officer Candidate School Interview Board Class

Class that covers the following topics:  Tasked each BDE S1 to turn in all packets to G1 NLT, Tasked the following BDEs to provide board members (1 BCT – Board President (MAJ), 2 BCT – Board Member (CPT), 4 BCT …Read More

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Officer Candidate School Structured Interview Boards Briefing Class

Class that Discusses the process and directives governing the Local Board Interview. It covers topics including References, OCS vs. Direct Select (DS), Eligibility Requirements, DS Command Slots, OCS Board/Structured Interviews, Purpose and Concept, Board Documents, CG/CofS Guidance, and Board President …Read More

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Army Uniform Tool
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

Negligent Weapons Discharge Prevention Class

It provides information on safe weapons handling procedures and prevention of negligent discharge. Slides include: Safe Handling Procedures, Safe Practices, Weapon Issue and Turn in procedures, Armorer Responsibilities, Procedures for M16/M4, 9mm, demographics on discharges. NOTE: This document is in …Read More

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NCOER Preparation Class Guide

It provides information on how to prepare NCOERs. It gives a step-by-step guide for preparing Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCO-ER). It also focuses on performance counseling and considers several of the unique aspects of preparing NCOERs in the NATO environment. …Read More

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NCOER Officer Evaluation Reporting System Class

A class that explains the Officer Evaluation Reporting System. It contains useful information and insight. Great for tips, tricks, and for invoking thought. Topics include: how rater supports the board process, how senior rater support board process,reviewer responsibilities, NCOER Inflation, NCOER …Read More

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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle Rollover

Briefing reviewing the fact that MRAP operations require particular vigilance to prevent Rollovers. The weight of the MRAP and road conditions where it operates have resulted in a number of vehicle rollovers.  MRAP test data indicates no stability/rollover “performance” issues …Read More

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Mask Confidence Training Procedures Class

Mask confidence training (MCT) demonstrates the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (PPE) in protecting against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) hazards. The Chemical Defense Training Facility (CDTF) at the U.S. Army Chemical School (USACMLS), Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, is …Read More

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An Example Model for NCO Development

An Example Model for NCO Development. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Hummer and Trailer Load Plans Class

Class designed to teach how to load the Hummer and Trailer in the most efficient way and to Army standards. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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HMMWV Rollover Prevention and Survival Class

A Class that provides information on preventing and improving chances of survival in HMMWV rollovers. Slides include: Statistics, the cause, prevention and survival, terrain, payloads, water precautions, teamwork, steps to eliminate rollover, actions during rollover, actions after rollover, Egress Assistance, …Read More

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