Mark Gerecht | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Leadership Quote of the Day

What you cannot enforce, do not command.

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Corrective Training Article 3- Physical Training Used as Corrective Training

AR 600-20 and FM 7-22 spell out the specifics of using physical fitness as a means of corrective training. AR 600-20 paragraph 4-20, states the following with regard to using physical fitness training as corrective training: When authorized by the …Read More

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Separations and Chapters Provide Soldiers a Second Chance at Staying in the Army

Did you know that a chapter or separation action is not necessarily the end of the line for a Soldier’s military career? If you are surprised, don’t worry most people are unaware of the second chance AR 635-200 provides.  Heck, …Read More

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Can my Punishment be Increased if I Appeal an Article 15?

Can my punishment be increased if I appeal an Article 15?.. Read the Answer»

Leadership Quote of the Day

Men think as their leaders think.

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Corrective Training Article 2- Rules for Administering Corrective Training

Are There Any Rules for Administering Corrective Training? The corrective training must be directly related to the deficiency. The corrective training must be oriented to improve the Soldier’s substandard performance. The corrective training may take place during normal duty hours …Read More

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Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Can a Soldier Have Multiple Article 15 Actions Pending at the Same Time?

Can a Soldier Have Multiple Article 15 Actions Pending at the Same Time?.. Read the Answer»

Will My Promotion Packet for SFC Still go to the Board if I Failed to Validate my Packet?

If an NCO is eligible for the E7 board, updated and corrected errors on their ERB, but omitted clicking the "validate" button. Will the NCO's record still be considered for selection?.. Read the Answer»

Leadership Quote of the Day

A leader is a man who has the ability to get other people to do what they don’t want to do, and like it.- Harry Truman

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Corrective Training Article 1- What is Corrective Training?

Introduction We have numerous tools at our disposal to correct substandard performance. Soldiers who are immature, lack discipline, or simply fail to follow instructions need your help. Two methods are explained in this chapter; Corrective Training and Revocation of Privileges. …Read More

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No Pay Due- How do I help the Soldier

Top, one of my Soldiers has informed be of a situation with another Soldier in another unit. The Soldier improperly received money they were not entitled to. As such finance is now taking back all the money at once leaving this Soldier broke. The Soldier's asked his leader for an AER Loan and was told the loan would not help him. The Soldier then requested to see finance to work out a repayment plan. The Sergeant stated this would be pointless as well. When the Soldier asked what he was supposed to do to get by day to day the NCO said to borrow money from friends...which is my Soldier. The NCO also instructed the Soldier not to utilize the open door policy as there would be consequences for doing so. This does not sit right with me. I feel the need to intervene. My chain of command has advised me to simply tell the young soldier to go up his chain of command. This Soldier is stationed Overseas and does not even have access to family members that might help him if he were in the states. Top what do you recommend? I really need your help!.. Read the Answer»

How Long Does the Commander Have to Counsel a Soldier for Failing the APFT Before Going to School?

How long does the commander have to council a Soldier for failing the APFT before going to schools.. Read the Answer»