Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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ER 715-1-13 Procurement of Diamond Drill Bits and Reaming Shells

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes procedures for operation of the program for central procurement of diamond drill bits and reaming shells required for hired labor operations of the Corps of Engineers. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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ER 700-1-1 USACE Supply Policies and Procedures

Purpose:  This regulation governs supply operations within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). It provides policy for the acquisition, accountability, management, and disposal of supplies and personal property used within USACE.

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ER 700-1-1 Errata Sheet 1

Errata Sheet No. 1 Logistics USACE SUPPLY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ER 700-1-1 (Change 1) 26 October 2001 This errata sheet clarifies guidance. Only expendable items with an individual unit cost of less than $300 in Federal Supply Group 75 are …Read More

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

ER 70-3-9 Management and Execution of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Military Research Development Test and Evaluation RDT&E Program

Purpose:   This regulation prescribes the management and execution responsibilities and procedures (including planning, programming, execution, documentation and review) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Research and Development (R&D) program funded by Army Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) …Read More

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ER 70-1-12 In-House Laboratory Independent Research Program

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes policies and responsibilities for conducting the In-House Laboratory Independent Research (ILIR) Program.

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ER 690-1-967 Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program

Purpose:  This establishes and prescribes the policies, responsibilities and procedures within USACE for implementation and maintenance of the program.

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

ER 690-1-958 Army Civilian Career Program for Engineers and Scientists Resources and Construction Changes 1-7

Purpose:  This regulation implements CPR 950-18, Army Civilian Career Programs for Engineers and Scientists (Resources and Construction).

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ER 690-1-955 Corps of Engineers Real Estate Career Program

Purpose: a. This regulation provides policies, responsibilities, and requirements for the administration and management of the Corps of Engineers Real Estate Career Program for realty specialists and appraisers, as well as requirements for the Real Estate Career Intern Program. b. …Read More

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ER 690-1-711 Labor-Management Relations

Purpose:  The purpose of this regulation is to provide the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers policy on the Labor-Management Relations Program.

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ER 690-1-710 Employee Assistance Program

Purpose:  The purpose of this regulation is to provide guidance for assisting employees whose work-related and non-work related personal problems may have an adverse impact on job performance and/or conduct.  It establishes responsibilities and procedures for administering the U.S. Army …Read More

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ER 690-1-701 O Job Action Contingency Plan

Purpose:  The purpose of this regulation is to provide information and guidance regarding actions that will be followed in the event Field Operating Activities are subjected to job actions by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers civilian employees.

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ER 690-1-693 Corps of Engineers Early Resolution Program CEERP

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes policies and procedures, and establishes responsibilities for the implementation of the Corps of Engineers Early Resolution Program (CEERP) in EEO precomplaint cases.

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