Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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AR 600-100 Army Leadership

This regulation— a. Establishes Army leadership policy and sets forth responsibilities for all aspects of leadership and leader development policy, doctrine, training, and research. b. Provides direction and guidance to the Center for Army Leadership through TRADOC/CAC for research, doctrine …Read More

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AR 59-4 Joint Airdrop Inspection Records, Malfunction/Incident Investigations, and Activity Reporting

This regulation provides policies and assigns responsibilities for initial notification, investigation, reporting, and submitting reports of parachute and airdrop load malfunctions/incidents. In addition, it standardizes Joint airdrop inspections, responsibilities and duties of the malfunction officer, malfunction/incident investigation procedures, and activity …Read More

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AR 59-3 Movement of Cargo by Scheduled Military Air Transportation

This regulation governs the use of scheduled military airlift for Army-sponsored air eligible materiel shipments from the continental United States to overseas destinations by the Defense Transportation System. It does not apply to special assignment airlift missions by military or …Read More

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Army Uniform Tool
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

AR 58-1 Management, Acquisition, and Use of Motor Vehicles

This regulation prescribes policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the management, acquisition, and use of Army–owned, Army–leased, or otherwise controlled nontactical vehicles. This regulation implements DoDD 4500.36 and incorporates information for managing Commercial Design Vehicles.

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AR 570-9 Host Nation Support

This regulation prescribes policy and assigns responsibilities for the U.S. Army’s acquisition and use of foreign host nation military, paramilitary, civilian, equipment, services, and facilities support to supplement, augment or satisfy U.S. Army combat support and combat service support requirements overseas during …Read More

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AR 570-7 Equipment Survey Program

This regulation prescribes policy and procedures for conducting the Army’s Equipment Survey Program. This Program is designed to provide independent, on-site reviews of equipment requirements to ensure the following: a. Equipment authorizations are fully justified by mission requirements. b. Equipment …Read More

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Army Uniform Tool
Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

AR 570-4 Manpower Management

This regulation establishes civilian and military manpower management guidance for activities organized under tables of distribution and allowances, modification tables of organization and equipment, and related augmentation and mobilization manning documents. Because this regulation prescribes the responsibilities of manpower managers …Read More

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AR 56-9 Watercraft

This regulation prescribes— a. Responsibilities for Department of the Army watercraft program planning, budgeting, and execution, and for ocean, harbor and inland waterway vessel operations. b. Responsibilities and policies for determining DA watercraft fielded under the total package fielding process, …Read More

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AR 56-4 Distribution of Materiel and Distribution Platform Management

This regulation prescribes Army policies, responsibilities, requirements, definitions, and management of distributionbased logistics; platform management; hazardous material; automated information technology and Automated Information Systems, and customs and border clearance. The distribution processes and procedures in this regulation are fully integrated …Read More

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AR 56-3 Management of Army Rail Equipment

This regulation  prescribes Army policies and command responsibilities for maintaining and operating rolling stock, track maintenance equipment, and locomotives; providing theater military railway service; and operating utility railroads. It also provides guidance for using common carrier railroads for switching service …Read More

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AR 55-80 DOD Transportation Engineering Program

This regulation establishes policies and procedures associated with the multimodal components of the Department of Defense Transportation Engineering Program that includes the highways, railroads, and ports for national defense programs. This regulation implements DODD 4510.11. It provides guidance and procedures …Read More

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AR 55–46 Travel Overseas

a. This regulation— (1) Establishes policies and prescribes procedures for moving soldiers and their family members. (2) Governs the preparation for and travel (transportation at Government expense or on a space available basis) to, from, or between overseas areas, of …Read More

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