Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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AR 600-8 Military Personnel Management

This regulation establishes Army policy, a managerial framework, organizations, and the delivery process of the Human Resources Support System. It synchronizes the requirements of both the home station, operational, and tactical HR Support System and outlines the organizational structure of …Read More

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AR 600-7 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities Assisted or Conducted by the Department of the Army

This regulation defines policies and procedures for implementing the Army’s nondiscrimination programs and their command responsibilities; it also covers complaint, findings, compliance, sanctions, and hearings involved in discriminatory practices.

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AR 600-63 Army Health Promotion

This regulation prescribes policies and responsibilities for the Army Health Promotion Program. Army health promotion is defined as any combination of health education and related organizational, political, and economic interventions designed to facilitate behavioral and environmental changes conducive to the …Read More

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Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

AR 600-62 United States Army Personnel Control Facilities and Procedures for Administering Assigned and Attached Personnel

This regulation assigns responsibilities and prescribes uniform policies, procedures and standards for the operation of U.S. Army personnel control facilities and for the administration and disposition of assigned/attached personnel.

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AR 600-60 Physical Performance Evaluation System

This regulation covers the Physical Performance Evaluation System. It requires Active Army, Army National Guard of the United States, and United States Army Reserve Soldiers with a permanent profile containing a three or four in one of the profile serial …Read More

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AR 600-55 The Army Driver and Operator Standardization Program (Selection, Training, Testing, and Licensing)

This regulation establishes standards, policies, and procedures for the selection, training, testing, and licensing of operators of Army wheeled and tracked vehicles and equipment.

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

AR 600-46 Attitude and Opinion Survey Program

This regulation prescribes policies and procedures, and assigns responsibilities concerning attitude and opinion surveys conducted among Army personnel.

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AR 600-43 Conscientious Objection

This regulation sets forth policy, criteria, responsibilities, and procedures to classify and dispose of military personnel who claim conscientious objection to participation in war in any form or to the bearing of arms.

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AR 600-4 Remission or Cancellation of Indebtedness

This regulation outlines the policies and guidance for remission or cancellation of indebtedness to the U.S. Army. It allows all Active Army Soldiers and those in the Active Guard/Reserves program to submit an application for remission or cancellation of indebtedness …Read More

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AR 600-38 The Meal Card Management System

This regulation provides policy and procedure for both Active Army and Reserve Components, for the management of Meal Card Control Books (DD Form 714) and reimbursement for meals provided in a field environment. Specific guidelines are provided for the acquisition, …Read More

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AR 600-37 Unfavorable Information

a. This regulation sets forth policies and procedures to: (1) Authorize placement of unfavorable information about Army members in individual official personnel files. (2) Ensure that unfavorable information that is unsubstantiated, irrelevant, untimely, or incomplete is not filed in individual …Read More

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AR 600-35 Army Force Stabilization System

This regulation describes policies and procedures for the implementation of the Army’s Force Stabilization System of the Active Army (for example, Regular Army Soldiers and select Army National Guard of the United States and Army Reserve Soldiers on active duty), …Read More

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