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AR 55–162 Permits for Oversize, Overweight, or other Special Military Movements on Public Highways in the United States

This regulation establishes procedures for evaluating requests and securing permits for the movement of military owned and operated vehicles, for commercial movements of military cargo exceeding legal weight or dimension limitations, and for other special commercial and military movements, including …Read More

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AR 550–51 International Agreements

This regulation prescribes Army policy, responsibilities, and procedures for the negotiation, conclusion, forwarding, and depositing of international agreements and all other arrangements that do not meet the definition of an international agreement established between the Army, or an Army element, …Read More

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AR 550–1 Processing Requests for Political Asylum and Temporary Refuge

This regulation establishes uniform policies and procedures for Department of the Army responsibilities for handling requests by foreign nationals for political asylum or temporary refuge.

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

AR 525–92 Army Arms Control Implementation Policy

This regulation establishes policies to ensure that all Department of the Army activities, including, but not limited to, research, tests, development, acquisition, exercises, and operations, comply with arms control agreements in accordance with United States law and other applicable national …Read More

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AR 525–28 Personnel Recovery

This regulation prescribes the goals, policies, procedures, and responsibilities for planning, preparing, executing, and assessing the Army’s Personnel Recovery Program. It describes both existing and maturing concepts, responsibilities, policy, and implementing procedures, and is intended to evolve as Army doctrine. …Read More

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AR 525–27 Army Emergency Management Program

This regulation establishes the Army Emergency Management Program. The EMP serves as the single integrated emergency management program for the planning, execution, and management of response efforts (designed or intended) to mitigate the effects of an all-hazard incident, to include …Read More

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

AR 525–26 Infrastructure Risk Management (Army)

This regulation implements The National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets and Department of Defense Directive 5160.54. It prescribes policy and assigns responsibility for Army infrastructure risk management activities.

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AR 525–16 Temporary Cross-Border Movement of Land Forces Between the United States and Canada

This regulation prescribes the detailed procedures to be followed by Department of the Army commands and activities in coordinating the temporary cross-border movement of land forces between the continental United States and Canada. Historical Copy.

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AR 525–15 Software Reprogramming Policy for Electronic Warfare and Target Sensing Systems

This regulation establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides strategy for integration and interoperability of electronic warfare and target sensing systems. It also is the basis for Army policy for EW and TSS mission data programming; development and use of rapid …Read More

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AR 50–7 Army Reactor Program

This regulation establishes Department of the Army policies, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the Army Reactor Program. The purpose of the ARP is to ensure that Army reactors are operated in a safe, secure, and reliable manner from activation …Read More

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AR 50–6 Chemical Surety

a. This regulation establishes Department of the Army policies, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the Army Chemical Surety Program. It is Army policy that chemical surety material in the possession or custody of the Army shall be properly safeguarded …Read More

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AR 50–5 Nuclear and Chemical Weapons and Materiel Nuclear Surety

This regulation establishes Department of Army policies, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the Army Nuclear Surety Program. It implements Department of Defense Directive 5210.42. It designates the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans as the proponent for …Read More

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