Can my commander deny my request for a “FOR RECORD” APFT? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can my commander deny my request for a “FOR RECORD” APFT?

Can a commander deny a Soldier's request to take a "For Record" APFT test?

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Yes, if that Soldier is within the qualification standards of AR 350-1, the commander can deny a Soldier the ability to take a Record APFT,

For example

A Soldier may desire to take a “FOR RECORD” APFT because they want to improve their promotion points.  Some commanders feel that you should have tried your best on your previous record test and should not be given the opportunity to take another record test until you are required to test again per Army Requirements.  Keep in mind this is a Commanders program.  The Commander can administer the APFT “FOR RECORD” test as often as they like.  See AR 350-1 paragraph 1-24.

If there are extenuating circumstances that prevented you from doing your best on your last “FOR RECORD” APFT, then you should consider putting togehter a memorandum for the commander explaining the reason behind your request or you could ask to see the commander on open door policy and explain your case in person.

Let’s say that one of the following events occurred and prevented you from doing your best during the last APFT: you recently came off a profile, you were sick right before or during the APFT, you pulled duty the night before the test but were required to show up for the APFT before going home from duty, you were on an extended TDY that prevented you from staying in top physical condition, etc.

I believe that if  you can show a reason that you were not fully prepared for your last APFT the commander might reconsider his/her decision.  The key is to keep the discussion factual, unemotional, and professional.

Hope this helps!

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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