Tag Promotions | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about Promotions

Do I have to reboard because my unit failed to update my APFT record?

I have a question, I have just found out that I lost my promotable status because my unit did not update my APFT records when I took a PT test for ALC. Do I have to be re-boarded or is there a way to fix it? Thanks in advance... Read the Answer»

Big Army wants to promote me, can my brigade say no?

I was picked up this month and my name is clearly showing on the by name list. My S1 is questioning my PPW because it was not updated until the 10th, never the less I was picked up. They are saying that Brigade can reject my packet, is this possible? How can Brigade say no when "Big Army" says yes? This is not a case of anything being "Jimmied." I have all required documents to support my point standing. Also, they are not considering 6 of my college credits because someone read my transcripts wrong, and 3 of my courses that I took to max out my military education did not post. One of the 3 is stating that it is not worth hours but it is listed as being worth 17 hours. I really feel is if the system is faulty! Who can I speak with, or would it even matter? I want to fight this to the fullest!.. Read the Answer»

If I take a new PT test, will I be put back on the PSL list?

I have been on a detail for 5 months. During this time, I was taken off the CLI list on my PPW because my PT test expired. Can I take another one to get back on the list?.. Read the Answer»

Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Where can I find a copy of my promotions orders?

How can I find a copy of my promotion orders? .. Read the Answer»

How can I get credit on my ERB for previous military training?

I served in the Air Force for four years. I am now active duty Army. Because of the change of policy on correspondence courses and now resident courses I read that previous military training can be used as resident courses. The problem I am having is no one in my unit knows how to input this on my ERB for me to get credit. Is there another way for this to happen?.. Read the Answer»

Does my career have to be put on hold because of Brigade’s mistake?

I missed points for E6 two months ago by 5 points. My S1 messed up my ERB and put more points than i had. HRC had me on the by-name list for the March 1, my BN S1 told Brigade to take me off the by-name list since i missed the points. Unfortunately, Brigade never took me off and points just came out and I have 200 more points than i need for promotion, but i am not on the by-name list since Brigade didn't do their job. Is there a way i can get promoted or does my career have to hit a stand still again while I wait for next month's points to come out?.. Read the Answer»

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Does prior AIT count towards promotion points?

I will be reclassing soon and I was wondering if my first AIT will count as military education or any promotion points once I have received my new MOS?.. Read the Answer»

I was approved to reclass. Will I have to get reboarded once I graduate?

I am a SPC(P) and I am reclassing into a new MOS. Will I retain my promotable status or will I lose it and have to be reboarded after graduation?.. Read the Answer»

Where can I find a list of resident military schools that I can attend to earn promotion points?

Regarding the Resident Military Training Courses: how can I find out what classes are currently being offered? Can I attend a course that is outside of my MOS? Are there any classes online that I can take that will count for promotion points in the Resident Military Training category?.. Read the Answer»

Does prior service training in another service count towards promotion points?

I am a prior service Sailor. How do I find out what Navy training transfers over to the Army for promotion points?.. Read the Answer»

Will I have to be reboarded once I successfully meet height and weight standards?

I am currently on the overweight program. Will my promotable status be reinstated once I make weight or will I have to go back to the promotion board?.. Read the Answer»

What proof do I need to get my prior service awards on my ERB?

I am about to attend the promotion board and need to update my ERB. I am a prior service Marine with awards from my prior service days. What documentation to I need in order to serve as proof for the awards I earned?.. Read the Answer»