Should leaders who lose rank be moved to another unit? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Should leaders who lose rank be moved to another unit?

I recently received a field grade article 15. I lost rank and pay and was assigned 45 days extra duty. I was in a senior leadership position. Isn't it fair that I should be moved to another unit? It is so degrading and shameful to stay in the same unit. I think the punishment I received did not fit the crime.

Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

I know of no requirement for you to be provided a rehab transfer based on the information you’ve provided. If your unit is considering separation, then the provisions of AR 635-200 might apply. Please see below.

In some cases it is appropriate to transfer a Soldier to give them a fresh start. This can usually be done once an Article 15 has entered the punishment phase. Sometimes the chain of command may believe the Soldier will be better served by staying in their current unit. In addition in some cases it may be difficult for a unit to execute a transfer because the Soldier may be in a low density MOS or the unit does not have a sister unit close by to execute the transfer (this usually applies to overseas locations).

My recommendation would be to prepare a written statement to the commander who executed the Article 15 and formally ask for the transfer. Ensure your statement is calm, void of emotion, and contains the facts and reasons you believe the transfer would be the best course of action for the you and the current unit.

c. Rehabilitation. Except as provided in d, below, the following rehabilitative measures are required prior to initiating separation proceedings for entry-level performance and conduct (see chap 11), unsatisfactory performance (see chap 13), or minor disciplinary infractions/patterns of misconduct (see chap 14):

(1) Trainees. Soldiers undergoing initial entry or other training will be recycled (reassigned between training companies or, where this is not feasible, between training platoons) at least once.

(2) Other than trainees. Soldiers not in training status will be locally reassigned at least once, with a minimum of 3 months of duty in each unit. Reassignment should be between battalion-sized units or between brigade-sized or larger units when considered necessary by the local commander

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • Legal NCO


    To add to the CSM comments. The requirement for rehabilitative transfer under AR 635-200, paragraph 14-12b, Pattern of Misconduct, can be waived by the separation authority. There is no rehabilitative transfer requirement for a separation under AR 635-200 paragraph 14-12c, Serious Misconduct. To be separated for Serious Misconduct, the misconduct, if convicted at court-martial, must warrant a disciplinary discharge (i.e. BCD or Dishonorable).

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