If I don’t have a car, who is responsible to make sure I have a ride to my place of duty? | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

If I don’t have a car, who is responsible to make sure I have a ride to my place of duty?

Can my chain of command make it my responsibility to get to my place of duty?

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

Short Answer

That Depends-


If the Soldier stays in the barracks and the work location is not within reasonable walking distance, then it is the command’s responsibility to provide transportation from the unit HQ to the required location.  For example the work location is 5 miles from the unit HQ. It would be the unit’s responsibility to provide transportation.

However, if a Soldier lives off post or is in reasonable walking distance of the location they have a responsibility to get to work in a timely manner.  


Let’s be realistic.  Generally, Typically, Usually, a unit has 1st formation in the company area located close to the barracks. If this is the case then the Soldier usually makes their way to first formation from the barracks. If the Soldier lives off base, then they have a responsibility to get to that location.  From there Soldiers move to the PT or the duty location.  If a Soldier does not have transportation they can:

  • Catch a ride with another individual going to that location
  • The unit can have vehicles dispatched that typically are located and secured in the company HQ’s area for the transportation of Soldiers to and from the duty location.  Notice I said to and from the duty location.  Do not get caught driving to other locations without permission.
  • The Soldier can use the post taxi or other transportation if available.

Bottom-line the Soldier is responsible to ensure they are at the appointed place of duty at the appointed time by using government transportation or personal transportation.

The goal here is to be reasonable.  Most commands and Leaders will not deny reasonable request for transportation.

Related Post

You might find the following post useful:  Can my Chain of Command force me to buy a Car?

Your Attitude and Tone

Your attitude and tone in handling issues like this are very important.  It is very important that you be factual, respectful, calm, and professional.  Take the high road.  If you get emotional it will not workout in your favor.


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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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