Do I deserve a Driver’s Badge? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Do I deserve a Driver’s Badge?

I have been in my unit for over a year with no accidents or traffic violations. I asked my leaders every few weeks if they could submit me for a Driver's Badge. I should have received it a long time ago. When I go to the person responsible for the Driver's Badge submission he states that I got pulled over on post for speeding. I did not get a ticket and no fine was paid, This incident occurred outside of the award period. I have already looked up the regulation on the requirements for this badge (AR 600-8-22 para 8-28). There is also and ALARACT that states pretty much the same as the Regulation. What can I do?

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

 Unfortunately AR 600-8-22 also states that awards involve a subjective process.  If you really feel that you are not being treated fairly.  You should consider going to see your 1SG/CDR on open door policy.  If you are not comfortable dong that consider going to the IG and asking them for their opinion.You can contact the IG anonymously. 

The IG is a good source of information and a disinterested party.  The IG cannot force the Commander to do anything, but they can help you get the facts together to build your argument and if your chain of command is doing something illegal they can report it to the General who in turn can direct the inappropriate action to stop or be investigated as appropriate.

 Let’s say the IG supports your agreement.  Then you have to decide how to approach your chain of command.  You could consider using the open door policy, etc.  Whatever action you choose to take make sure you remain professional, clam, unemotional, and absolutely factual.

 You might find the following post useful.  Link:  Solving Army Leadership Problems Professionally!

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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