Is there a DA Form 4187 “Threat for Life” that will allow me to PCS quickly to get away from an abusive spouse? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Is there a DA Form 4187 “Threat for Life” that will allow me to PCS quickly to get away from an abusive spouse?

Is there a 4187 that will allow me to move within 90 days, called Threat for Life? Husband and I are active duty and divorcing. He's been extremely violent in the past.

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The only Threat for Life DA FORM 4187 I am aware of is for WTC Soldiers.   I am unaware of any such action for  Soldiers assigned to other types of units.  You can report spouse abuse under AR 600-20.  Be careful before you do this and make sure your report is factual as you can be held accountable for anything that is false or misleading.  You can also apply for a restraining order.  Seek assistance from your Chain of Command and JAG office immediately if you feel you are endanger.  They can put you in touch with other support agencies.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • Eck


    If you are in an abusive relationship and it is documented you may be eligible to PCS quickly. Be truthful with your chain of command and seek the support of your units JAG office. You could potentially quality for assistance from the post Victim Witness Liaison Office. Your situation and whether there are children involved could affect your situation also. The key is to truthful about your situation. If you are in fear of your situation, I highly recommend you speak to your chain of command.

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