Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our answered Army leadership Questions. If you have a question that is not listed, fill in the form to the right and AskTOP!

How do I counsel a Soldier who failed his promotion board?

One of my Soldiers failed his promotion board. What kinds of things do I need to put on his counseling statement?.. Read the Answer»

Must I counsel my Soldier for failing his promotion board?

Does the reg say I have to counsel my Soldier who just failed his promotion board?.. Read the Answer»

Don’t I have to be counseled if they don’t let me go to the board?

They are not sending me to the E-5/E-6 board. I'm not even sure why this is happening. Don't they have to counsel me?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

What are the promotion counseling requirements?

What are the promotion counseling requirements PVT-SSG?.. Read the Answer»

What is nonpromotable status?

What does the term nonpromotable status mean? What specifically makes someone nonpromotable?.. Read the Answer»

Can an NCO take command of a unit?

Can an NCO be appointed as the commander of a unit? I thought you had to have a commission to hold this type of role... Read the Answer»

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Can my commander require me to speak English while on duty?

Like half of my squad, I am a native Spanish speaker. I came into the shop yesterday and found a memo on my desk that said we aren't allowed to speak Spanish while on duty. This seems stupid to me. Can my chain of command really do this? I don't even get why they care... Read the Answer»

Who can conduct corrective training?

I need information about who can conduct corrective training. Where does this authority come from?.. Read the Answer»

Can I be punished for not standing during the National Anthem?

My commander is considering corrective training against me because I did not stand during the National Anthem while off-duty at a ball game. How can he do this?.. Read the Answer»

Must all commanders have an open door policy?

Is there a requirement that all commanders have an open door policy?.. Read the Answer»

Am I required to address my chaplain by military rank?

I know chaplains are typically addressed as "Chaplain", but my squad leader just told me that I should be referring to our chaplain by his rank. Am I required to address my chaplain by military rank?.. Read the Answer»

Can my commander deny my request to get an award in private?

I want to get my award in a private ceremony but my commander says he will only present it at a company formation. Can he mandate this?.. Read the Answer»