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Can the unit make me take a PT test if I am on profile?

My unit wants me to take a PT Test but I have been on profile for over 90 days. Can they make me take a PT test?.. Read the Answer»

How can I correct an unfair NCOER before it hits my official record?

I am a Reserve Soldier and have PCS'd with my AC spouse last spring and am just now getting my NCOER from my previous unit. The rating period is from 1 Sep to 31 Aug. The first one was a joke. I replied back having to send them a copy of the APFT they administered since the NCOER stated I had not taken one within the time frame of the NCOER and was given a "needs improvement". He fixed the NCOER and entered one bullet for each section which wasn't on the first one.

I also requested that my 40+ volunteer hours as my spouses unit's FRG Leader be included. The rater is giving excuses that I was not being tracked during that time and he can't verify I actually did the volunteering because they didn't see me do it. While I was in the middle of having to find a new unit on my own because they would not help, I made sure Medpros stayed updated, my online training was always done etc. I did everything I was asked to do during the time they claim I was not being tracked. I was never counseled during the whole period and the rater entered dates of non existent counselings.

How can he enter dates for counselings that never existed and claim I wasn't being tracked and refuse to add my volunteer hours which I feel deserves an excellent bullet? I said I would get the documentation for the hours, but he still says he didn't see me do it. Is the appeal process my only choice? And, will it hold up with my documentation and MFR's from my spouses command?.. Read the Answer»

What is a derogatory information report?

I was told to submit a derogatory information report. What is it and why is it submitted?.. Read the Answer»

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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

How do I handle a Soldier who fights my orders?

I have a Soldier who fights every order I give him. He constantly researches the regualtions to see if my orders are legal. It seems like he spends more time trying to get out of doing work or trying to prove me wrong than it would have taken to simply complete the tasks. Any suggestions? Please Help! .. Read the Answer»

Don’t I deserve a clean start?

I have not been a great Soldier in the past. I admit I have a loud mouth, but I am trying to correct my performance. Unfortunately, my chain of command will not cut me any slack. I have decided to do my best, but my Platoon Sergeant won't allow me to recover.

Example: A Specialist gave me a monthly counseling statement. The counseling was positive and I was glad someone was finally realizing that I was trying to improve. My Platoon Sergeant came by during the session and read my counseling statement. He then told the Specialist he could not counsel me because he was inexperienced and the PSG completed the counseling himself... needless to say the counseling was bad. I have also been given an invalid Article 15 while with this unit. I appealed it to the Battalion Commander who overturned the entire Article 15--further upsetting my chain of command.

Current Situation: We were in the field. My supervisor (the Specialist) was not in the field with us. He also went home on leave later that month. When we returned from the field, I was presented with a counseling statement that had been written by the Specialist who had not seen me for the majority month. The NCO who presented it to me stated he was just following orders. I was infuriated. I felt that the Specialist could not counsel me because he did not observe my performance for the month. I wrote "Whatever" in the Comments section of the counseling out of anger. Naturally, the chain of command is upset with me again. Here are my questions:

  1. Is the counseling invalid because the SPC was absent for the majority of the month?
  2. Does any regulation prohibit disrespect to a SPC?
  3. Does any regulation prohibit me from writing anything I want on a counseling?
.. Read the Answer»

Can Soldiers take a 3-day pass during the week?

Can I take a 3-day pass during the middle of the week?.. Read the Answer»

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

What is an Article 138?

I have heard that I can make a complaint against my commander. Is this true?.. Read the Answer»

Have ARCs replaced ETPs for promotion to SGT and SSG?

I am aware that ETPs are no longer authorized effective 1 Jun 11 promotions. However, I keep hearing that guidance has come down and there is a new procedure in place called "Administrative Records Corrections" or ARC. Is this true?.. Read the Answer»

Do counseling statements have expiration dates?

How long is a counseling form good for? .. Read the Answer»

How do I correct a Soldier who has poor hygiene?

I just wanted to know if there is anyone out there who has counseled a Soldier about their hygiene? I've been pulled aside by other section leaders about a Soldier's hygiene and how it is affecting others... Read the Answer»

Can my former supervisor counsel me for taking action approved by my new supervisor?

A couple of months ago I had some trouble with my Supervisor, an E-4(P). Her supervisor (E-5) moved me to work for him and he took care of my EOM counseling and everything. During that time, the E-4(P) continued to text me. Because of the history between us, I thought It would be safer for me to block her numbers from my phone so that I wouldn't be tempted to respond hot-headedly. Before I blocked her numbers, I asked the E-5 if it would be okay to do so and he told me yes until things cooled down. After I blocked her, all three of us sat down and discussed the problems. I told both of them that I had her number blocked. That was two weeks ago. Today she came to my barracks room and asked me if I had gotten her text or phone calls. I told her no and when she asked why, I responded that I had blocked her. She told me that I shouldn't have done that (yelled at me) and that I had to fix it right then and there and that I couldn't shut the door until I had done so. Since I am an E-3 I followed the E-4’s order. Then she sends me another text moments later telling me that she is my supervisor again and that she will be giving me a negative counseling statement. What courses of action do I have? I plan to mark Disagree and explain I had permission to block her number because of her unprofessional behavior. Should I refuse to sign the counseling statement?.. Read the Answer»

Can Soldiers put Army gas in their personal vehicles?

Is it illegal to put military gas in your POV? If so, what do you do when you see someone doing it?.. Read the Answer»