Category Q&A | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


You are viewing a list of our answered Army leadership Questions. If you have a question that is not listed, fill in the form to the right and AskTOP!

How do I counsel a Soldier who makes threatening statements?

My question is regarding counseling. What specifics do you mention in a counseling when Soldier has stated that "people will die" if his assignment orders get changed? He wants nothing more than to leave Ft. Sill and has previously been denied access to schools due to mental illness. He has a diagnosed personality disorder and I have been tasked with counseling him for his disparaging statements... Read the Answer»

When will my fence be lifted?

When does my fence get lifted? I have not yet been on station 2 years. My ERB gives me an AEA code of L but ASK requisitions says I'm in a fenced in unit... Read the Answer»

How far can a Soldier’s award be downgraded?

I was put in for a Soldiers Medal for saving a civilian's life. How far can it be downgraded?.. Read the Answer»

Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software

Is there a regulation that specifies the type of scale to be used during a unit weigh-in?

Sergeant Major, I am an AGR SFC. Upon arrival at my unit I was tagged with the position of First Sergeant. My question: During BN APFT's and weigh-ins, the scales we use to weigh Soldiers are floor scales purchased from Wal-Mart. Does any regulation list a standard for what type of scale is to be used? Every unit I have been in AC or as an AGR have used the same standard scales. .. Read the Answer»

Can I be reduced from E-6 to E4 for inefficency?

I am Active Duty with 13 years TIS. Can I be reduced from E6 to E4 for inefficiency? TDS advised me that I would only be reduced to E5 if the board felt the need, but the board recommended me to be reduced to E4. I am appealing and TDS is trying to get my rank reduced to E5 instead of E4. TDS highlighted AR 600-8-19 and FM 27-1 and their interpretation of the rules and had me take it to Brigade legal, but they said that you may be reduced more than one rank for inefficiency. So I am getting two different answers for this. Do you have any insight? I have another appointment tomorrow with TDS to try and get this resolved. Thank you... Read the Answer»

Do leaders have to be in the same uniform as the Soldier when conducting Corrective Training?

Does an NCO have to be in the same uniform as the Soldier when conducting corrective training? If so, can you send me the Army Regulation where I can find this information? .. Read the Answer»

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

How do I counsel a Soldier who’s wife has been arrested numerous times on post?

What type of counseling would you give a Soldier who's wife has been arrested numerous times on a military installation?.. Read the Answer»

What information should I provide for a Soldier going through divorce?

Top, do you have any useful information that I can provide to a Soldier getting a divorce... Read the Answer»

What regulation states a 1SG must rate the supply sergeant?

CSM, my 1SG just told me that there is a regulation that states that 1SGs always rate supply NCOs. I have searched but cannot find any regulation that supports this. Is there really a reg that says so and if so where can I find it?.. Read the Answer»

Do I need to conduct promotion counseling for overweight but otherwise eligible Soldiers?

Does an E-4 with the correct TIS and TIG requirements on the overweight program have to receive a promotion counseling? I am under the impression he already knows why he isn’t recommended. Other than being overweight, he is great Soldier... Read the Answer»

Can I be given corrective training twice for one offense?

Today during a urinalysis my commander told the company not to talk. He caught me talking and made me do some PT. Now he is having my team leader complete a DA 4856 and give me corrective training (an essay). Can my commander give me corrective training after I have already been punished for my actions? I looked in AR 600-20 CH 4-6 I just do not understand the AR the way that it is written... Read the Answer»

What is the maximum dollar amount for determining when vehicle repair is too expensive?

What is the threshold dollar amount determining factor of a damaged vehicle on a FLIPL to not repair but turn it in due to cost of repair. What is the latest policy in the Army regulations?.. Read the Answer»