Category References | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Perform First Aid to Clear an Object Stuck in the Throat of Conscious Casualty

Class / briefing: This Training Support Package provides the instructor with a standardized lesson plan for presenting instruction for Perform First Aid to Clear an Object Stuck in the Throat of a Conscious Casualty CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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Perform First Aid for Heat Injuries

Class / briefing: This Training Support Package provides the instructor with a standardized lesson plan for presenting instruction for Perform First Aid for Heat Injuries

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Perform First Aid for Burns

Class / briefing: This Training Support Package provides the instructor with a standardized lesson plan for presenting instruction for Perform First Aid for Burns.

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

Opposing ForceDoctrinal Framework and Strategy

Class / briefing: This Training Support Package provides standardized lessons for presenting Awareness Training on the doctrine covered in Field Manual 7-100.3, Opposing Force: Paramilitary and Nonmilitary Organizations and Tactics.  It is designed primarily for instructors and training developers Army-wide …Read More

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Opposing Force

Class / briefing: This manual is part of a series that describes a contemporary Opposing Force (OPFOR) for training U.S. Army commanders, staffs, and units. Together, these manuals outline an OPFOR than can cover the entire spectrum of military and …Read More

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Leader Development

Class / briefing: Task: Develop Subordinates. Conditions: You are assigned to a leadership position and given the requirement to develop your subordinates as outlined in FM 6-22, Army Leadership. Standard: Demonstrate competency by: 1) correctly assessing the developmental needs of …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide


Class / briefing: Action: Define the current condition of Kenyan society. Condition: Without references Standards: Correctly answer 13 of 15 questions on the written evaluation.

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Islam-Horn of Africa

Class / briefing: Action:  Describe the history, beliefs, Pillars of Islam Conditions:  Without references Standards:  Pass an evaluation with 15 out of 17 items correct

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Interpret Munitions Markings

Class / briefing: Action: Identify selected munitions and packaging containers, interpret and identify munitions markings on boxed and palatalized munitions. Conditions: Given instruction in a contemporary operating environment (COE), applicable references and practical exercise worksheet. Standards: Soldiers must correctly answer …Read More

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Class / briefing: The concept is relatively simple.  Bn goes to the motor pool and conducts command maintenance in accordance with their unit SOP (some call these periods AA Operations, some due a leader teach the Friday before, etc.). Bring …Read More

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Implement Defensive Information Operations

Class / briefing: ACTION: Identify how defensive information operations protect information and Information systems and achieve information superiority at brigade and below. CONDITION: In a classroom, given the appropriate references and student handout. STANDARD:Accurately: (1) Define information operations; (2) Identify …Read More

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HMMWV Egress Trainer (HEAT)

Class / briefing: Action: Perform clearing and egress procedures with the HEAT. Conditions: In the HEAT wearing required combat equipment, given instruction on actions to take to preclude and reactive measures during/ after a HMMWV rollover as a HMMWV crewmember. …Read More

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