Category References | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Family Readiness Group Handbook

This handbook is designed to assist deploying commanders, rear detachment commanders (RDCs), and Family Readiness Group (FRG) leaders in developing an effective Rear D/FRG operation. The principles outlined in this handbook apply at each echelon and for all unit types. …Read More

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Warrior Transition Brigade Warrior Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to provide Warrior Transition BDE (WTB) Warrior’s with guidance on standards of conduct and key policies. This WTB Warrior ’s Handbook applies to all Warriors assigned/attached to the Warrior Transition BDE, Walter Reed Army …Read More

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Initial Entry Training Cadre Spouse Guide Handbook

This handbook is designed to help you as a new cadre spouse member to become ―Family Strong. It provides basic knowledge about Initial Entry Training (IET), new responsibilities of your cadre member, and advice to prepare yourself better for the …Read More

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Establishing a Lessons Learned Program Handbook

This handbook provides leaders and members of an organization with a “how-to” guide for establishing a lessons learned (LL) capability. It promises to detail what the LL process is and how to apply all the available tools to establish your …Read More

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Unit Commander’s Guide to Paying Agents Handbook

Unit commanders have a valuable “bullet in their ammo pouch” of money as a weapons system resources to win on the battlefield—the paying agent. This handbook provides unit commanders, paying agents, and field ordering officers (FOOs) a reference guide on …Read More

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Developing a Performance Work Statment in a Deployed Environment Handbook

This first edition (version 1.0) of the performance work statement (PWS) handbook contains a summary of how to develop a PWS. Contingency contracting officers (KOs) frequently perform this task in a deployed environment. Information from numerous sources within the defense …Read More

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Commander’s Guide to Money as a Weapons System

Warfighters at brigade, battalion, and company level in a counterinsurgency (COIN) environment employ money as a weapons system to win the hearts and minds of the indigenous population to facilitate defeating the insurgents. Money is one of the primary weapons …Read More

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Class / briefing: ACTION:  Identify key aspects of the History, Geography, Culture, and Government of Somalia. CONDITION: Without reference. STANDARD:  Achieve a score of 17 out of 20 on Somali Workbook.

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Request Medical Evacuation

Class / briefing: Conditions: You have a casualty requiring medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) and you will need a patient pickup site. You will need operational communications equipment, MEDEVAC request format, and unit signal operation instructions (SOI). Standards: Transmit a MEDEVAC request, …Read More

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React to Chemical or Biological (CB) HazardAttack

Class / briefing: Conditions: You are in an environment in which C/B weapons or unknown toxic industrial chemicals have been used by the enemy.  You are given a protective mask, an individual decontamination kit, and any one of the following …Read More

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Prepare The AH-64A EETF For Operation Movement

Class / briefing: Conditions: Perform this task given an EETF, TM 11-6625-3085-12-1, tools, materials, personnel, and references as listed in TM 11-6625-3085-12-1.  NOTE: This is a team task. Standards: Complete deployment/teardown procedures of the EETF IAW TM 11-6625-3085-12-1.  All safety …Read More

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Perform First Aid to Prevent or Control Shock

Class / briefing: This Training Support Package provides the instructor with a standardized lesson plan for presenting instruction for Perform First Aid to Prevent or Control Shock

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